~Puppy Tales~
Meet the puppies of past litters and what their new families have to say!
"Mikey" DOB: 9-9-23 Sire: Monty Dam: Pearl Current Home: with the Brown family in ID! Previous Call Name: 'Matey' from our Pirates litter 2-23-24: Matey was the last of this awesome litter to find a home. It must have meant to be that he stayed with me this long because the perfect family discovered he was still available and swooped him up, it was perfect timing! |
DOB: 9-9-23 Sire: Monty Dam: Pearl Current Home: with the Anglin Family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Rum' from our Pirates litter! 11-16-23: Mama's boy meets gentle giant...that's Rum Dog! What a clown! This puppy is the first to scramble in your lap for kisses, the last to get to the dinner table because he's trying to give you kisses, the first to miss out on treat time because he's trying to kiss you and the last into the whelping box at night because he's trying to scale the gate to...yep, you guessed it...give you kisses. I've never met a puppy that would give up the wag of his own tail just to show you how much he loves you. His willingness to please goes beyond anything I've seen. He's tall and leggy like his mama and strong and sturdy like his daddy. He's the biggest of the litter but there's not one sassy bone in his body. |
DOB: 9-9-23 Sire: Monty Dam: Pearl Current Home: with the McCall Family in ID Previous Call Name: Booty from our Pirates litter! 10-16-23: Booty is Miss Class Clown in every way shape and form! If Matey and Booty had their own show, 'The Adventures of Class Clown and Mr. Shenanigan's', that would be something I would binge watch the heck out of. Booty is hysterical. She absolutely loves being the center of attention and does things to earn it for sure! She sees me coming and runs as fast as her little chubby chocolate sticks can carry her! She still spins circles when she's super excited and pounces like a cat when she wants to get the jump on a sibling. Taking her outside was I think the highlight of her life so far. She could not run fast enough. She buzzed through the dirt, the rocks, the bushes and came out the other side air licking and barking to let you know that you've got to try this! She looks at you like, "Hey guys! Have you tried grass?!? It's awesome!" She spotted the ducklings and had to go check them out. She bounced up and down on her front feet just trying to get them to come closer. But, even though she has a blast no matter what she's doing, she always comes when she's called. She loves a good cuddle and wants to kiss kiss kiss! Booty is brave, curious, tenderhearted and silly. She is definitely going to show her family the meaning of living life! At 5 weeks old she weighs 5lbs 9oz. |
'Helix' DOB: 9-9-23 Sire: Monty Dam: Pearl Current Home: with the Brockman family in MT Previous Call Name: Captain Jack from our Pirate litter 11-16-23: 10 weeks old and just as spunky as ever. Jack has a zest for life that is unrivaled! He's that puppy that is just happy to exist. He finds joy in EVERYTHING. Even if he's by himself, his tail is always wagging, his nose is always discovering new things and his eyes...WOW, that are a blue that just shines. His little facial expressions are everything and his eyes paired with that little white muzzle, pink nose and his tongue always hanging out to the side, you cannot be sad when you're around this little sprite. His love and happiness are contagious. His mission in life is to make you as happy as he is. |
'Ace' DOB: 9-9-23 Sire: Monty Dam: Pearl Current Home: with the Valentine Family in OR Previous Call Name: Commodore from our Pirates litter! 10-16-23: 5 weeks old and still a beaut'! This little boy is the more snuggly 'mamas boy' of the group. He gets anxious when he's by himself and will immediately find someone to pal around with. He will come when called right away because all he wants to do is please. He is very happy and curious but tentative. Cautiously optimistic this little guy is! It was hard to get a good shot of him on his own because he's either palling around with one of his siblings, or right under my feet waiting to be picked up. Give him some time and he will wander off and explore, but he is always checking in with you either by coming back, or looking around to make sure you haven't disappeared. This little guy is going to make someone a great best friend. At 5 weeks old he weighs 4lbs 12 oz. |
'Quinn' DOB: 9-9-23 Sire: Monty Dam: Pearl Current Home: with the McCann Family in OR Previous Call Name: Mr. Gibbs from our Pirates litter 11-20-23: Still right along side his brother Bucc, this little dude may be shorter in stature, but not in demeanor. What an absolute sweetie pie. Very curious but not enough to get himself in trouble. He's playful, feisty but not obnoxious. He has the classic Standard Poodle attitude of quirky, loving, chatty and intelligent, yet poised and ready when you need him in any capacity. Another Ambassador of Poodles. This guys will also NEVER turn down a cuddle puddle! |
'Rainie' DOB: 9-9-23 Sire: Monty Dam: Pearl Current Home: with the Braun Family in ID Previous Call Name: Poppet 11-16-23:What a petite little princess amongst a band of big brothers! Poppet is the smallest puppy of the litter, she weighs 14lbs while her brothers weigh upwards of 18lbs! Poppet will most likely be built like her dad - more on the medium/shorter side and not large like here mama. Poppet has changed drastically since her 6 week update. She has gone from a 'cattitude' where she was very aloof and independent, to a very curious and affectionate little girl. She's the first puppy to greet you during meal time, the first to investigate a new toy and the first to crawl in your lap for some much needed puppy lovin'. She is also a very quiet puppy. She's never the barker or whiner, she keeps her voice to herself most of the time. My 16 month old daughter always targets her as the focus of her 'struggle snuggle' and Poppet tolerates it like a champ. She has her mothers patience for sure. |
'Millie' DOB: 9-9-23 Sire: Monty Dam: Pearl Current Home: with the Rossi family and her daddy Monty in Boise ID! Previous Call Name: Treasure from our Pirates litter! 10-16-23: This little girl is properly named because she certainly is a little treasure! She has grown to very much love people and feels very secure if she's just being loved and cuddled. She's a little less 'go-getter' than some of her litter mates, but that doesn't stop her. She is more cautious around new situations, she reads the room and then is off like a shot! She is still built just like her mama and has long legs and a trim build. She's very curious and will go check out anything after making sure it's safe, but she always comes when I call to her. She's less 'amped up' like some of her brothers but has a nice even keeled energy level. She's just a precious little puff ball! At 5 weeks Treasure weighs 5lbs 6oz. |
'Pappy' DOB: 9-9-23 Sire: Monty Dam: Pearl Current Home: with the Perkins Family in OR Previous Call Name: Buccaneer from our Pirates litter! 11-16-23: What an amazing example of a Standard Poodle! Buccaneer shines with his sweet and playful temperament, but also possesses that very proud and regal look when he is relaxing. I think it comes naturally to him to be very content, comfortable and curious. Nothing panics him, he is very affectionate, curious, playful and very very dedicated to people. I believe he will grow up to be the perfect 'Ambassador of Poodles'. What a gem this little guy is. |
'Chips' 2-13-22 Sire: Remy Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Thompson family in TX Previous Call Name: 'Chips' from our Super Bowl Litter 3-27-22: Such a strong, curious and independent puppy little Chips is. He is very self assured and doesn't whine or cry or complain when he's alone. He likes to play with the gang as much as he likes to be exploring on his own and finding fun wherever he can. I really like traits like this in a puppy. They seem to be less likely to have separation anxiety, they don't mind being alone in the house if you have to leave and they seem to be less 'clingy' but still attentive to their person. He is still a wonderful, loving and cuddly little puppy and gets into puppy shenanigans but has that little extra bit of confidence that I love. At 6 weeks old Chips is our biggest boy and weighs 8lbs! |
DOB: 2-13-22 Sire: Remy Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Scott family in VA Previous Call Name: 'Gridiron' from our Superbowl litter 3-27-22: If I was insane and decided to keep ANOTHER poodle puppy, it would be little Grid. He has the most perfect temperament (in my opinion). This boy is happy, confidant, loving and curious. Nothing gets him riled up or anxious. He's cool, calm and collected. Even though he's about 2bs lighter than the rest of the gang, that doesn't stop him. He's brave and runs with the pack no matter how many other little puppy feet could trip him. He's the first to the dinner table, first to find affection and follows me wherever I go to see what I'm doing. He is super easy going, doesn't mind being by himself and keeps up just as well as the rest of them. Mellow, loving and super smart this one. Instead of rushing into new things here on the farm, you can see Grid, sit back, analyze things and then jump in. At 6 weeks old this kiddo is 4lbs. I still believe he will be about 40-50lbs full grown. That is the size of my other mama dog Rogue (for comparison), who is his half sister. |
'Audrey' DOB: 2-13-22 Sire: Remy Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Shanks family in WY Previous Call Name: 'Muff' from our Superbowl litter 3-27-22: Muff is a hilarious, adventurous and loveable puppy! Whenever the gang is outside playing, I let the adult dogs out to play too. Muff is ecstatic to see the 'big girls' out and about. I throw the toys for the adult dogs and Muff goes as fast as her little chubby legs can carry her and runs after them trying to participate. I just look at her wonderful little face and I can see her saying, "I'm going to be a big dog one day!" She loves people so much, loves to romp and play and check out every corner of the yard with enthusiasm. There is no dampening this girls spirit, she's here for the party and wants to be involved in whatever you're doing. At 6 weeks old Muff weighs 7.5lbs and every ounce of that has a zest for life. |
DOB: 2-13-22 Sire: Remy Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Mang family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Huddle' from our Superbowl litter 3-27-22: Little Huddle has become so much more cuddly, interactive and playful this last week. At 5 weeks old I described her as more 'independent'. She did her own thing and you'd always find her off on her own. At 6 weeks old, she has become so much more cuddly with people and wants to be with you and see what you're up to. She is almost the exact female version of Coach, but is a little more adventurous than him. Huddle is so sweet and kissy and has developed a taste for shoes! Whenever my husband and I are outside playing with the gang, she goes for either my sandals, my toes IN my sandals or my husbands shoelaces. She is is a hilarious little beauty this one. At 6 weeks old Huddle weighs 7lbs. |
'Sandy' DOB: 2-13-22 Sire: Remy Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the DeLong family in OR Previous Call Name: 'Dip' from our Superbowl litter 3-27-22: Much like his brother Chips and slightly more affectionate, Dip is a super confidant, curious and playful pup. These traits speak well to a puppy that could grow up to have minimal to no separation anxiety, plays well with others, is fast to learn and copes with changes in their environment great. I love traits like these in puppies. Don't be fooled, he is not averse to affection or aloof, he just feels secure with himself enough to not have to be clingy. Dip loves playing with his toys and checking out what you're up to no matter what you're doing. Today at 6 weeks old Dip is 7.1lbs. |
DOB: 2-13-22 Sire: Remy Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Roberts family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Coach' from our Superbowl litter 3-27-22: Still as sweet as last week and twice as interactive little Coach is a dream puppy. This big dude loves attention, loves to play with his toys, loves to fetch and is super curious. He loves all people and is one of the first puppies to greet you at the gate. He definitely protests if he can't be with you or a part of what you're doing. He wants the option to follow you and join in if he wants to, unlike some of his siblings, he prefers to be with the group of with a person. Being alone or content with independence is not his thing. He is the Robin to someone's Batman. He's the first puppy to jump up on the wall of the nursery and yell to be picked up and let the day begin. He's handsome, silly and super cuddly. At 6 weeks old this big lug is 7.9#. |
DOB: 12-12-21 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Swenson family in ID Previous Call Name: "Angel" from our Christmas litter 1-22-22: Little Angel is still our Alpha female (but never aggressive) and NEVER lets the boys get the best of her. Whatever they can do she can do better...and faster...and probably messier lol. Angel loves all of her siblings and plays with everyone but her favorite thing is to approach an innocent game of tug-o-war between her brothers, grab the middle pull as hard as she can, do a little twisty-turny move and success! Then she proudly walks away with the toy. The boys stand there like, 'what just happened?' Then they inevitably run after her and she hauls booty like she's never run before. It's the best thing ever. Angel loves engaging and playing with her toys, but also can cuddle and chill with the best of them. This girls got heart. At 6 weeks old Angel weighs 6.4lbs. |
"Joey" DOB: 12-12-21 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Yanes family in OH Previous Call Name: "Frosty" from our Christmas litter 1-22-22: Still just as playful as last week, and now even more affectionate. Frosty has adopted the role of 'Puppy Patrol' it seems. Whatever is happening: crying, barking, whining or screaming, Frosty reports the the scene to see what's up. Inevitably he loses interest and lets the other puppies sort it out. A valiant effort though Frosty. He still has that great amount of 50/50 laid back vs active. He bounces around, plays with toys and his siblings, but also crashes into nap time and loves to be held. Frosty is a great all around puppy, and still so handsome. At 6 weeks old Frosty weighs 7.6lbs. |
DOB: 12-12-21 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Vickers family in ID Previous Call Name: "Carol" from our Christmas Litter 1-22-22: Super active, happy and so affectionate. Carol has grown to be somewhat of a ring-leader amongst the puppies. Not an alpha, but she's the brave one. When the others are hesitant, Carol will try it first, then the rest follow. I have started to affectionately refer to her as, 'little turd' because where there's mischief to be managed...it's usually Carol. I was cleaning out their litterbox yesterday and felt a tug at my shoe. I looked down and there was Carol, laying between my feet with both my shoes untied. She's a furry little ninja is what she is. She's hilarious and so, so sweet. At 6 weeks old Carol weighs 7.2lbs. |
"Lila Grace"
DOB: 12-12-21 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Bray family in ID Previous Call Name: "Merry" from our Christmas litter 1-22-22: Remember the famous line from Jurassic Park, 'clever girl'? That's Miss Merry, but in a less Velociraptor kind of way. Merry is just as sweet, loving and happy and is smart, smart, smart! She was the first to escape from the pool where they eat, the first to use the litter box, and NOW she has learned to climb up and out of the cat tree (Chilly tries to follow her and that's how he gets stuck). I also tried to make a barricade in their playpen so I could clean on one side without the gang being underfoot...it worked...all except for Merry. I turned around and there she was. Politely sitting, wagging her tail looking up at me like, "whatcha doin'?" Her love for people outweighs anything else. When we feed everyone, we actually have to leave their room so she can't see us or she won't eat. She'll just focus on trying to be played with. This puppy is a gem. At 6 weeks old Merry weighs 6.7lbs |
"Jolly" & "Cocoa" aka "The Brewington Brothers!
DOB: 12-12-21
Sire: Monty
Dam: Rogue
Current Home: with the Brewington family in ID
Previous Call Names: "Jolly" and "Cocoa" from our Christmas Litter!
1-22-22 Jolly:If there was any puppy with a zest for life and energy to spare...it's Jolly! The ONLY thing that has changed about him from last week is that he's bigger and more energetic. He wants all the love, all the pets and aaalll the shenanigans! He gets the zoomies more than any puppy and streaks across the playpen trying to get the other puppies to chase him. He's like a furry brown bowling ball with legs. He and Cocoa are best buds and usually Jolly ends up on bottom during their wrestling matches, but that does not discourage him. His love for people is almost as great as his love for toys...or food. If you don't have a smile on your face...this puppy is sure to put one there. At 6 weeks old Jolly weighs 6.5lbs.
1-22-22 Cocoa: Sweet little Cocoa has become so much more curious and engaging over this last week. He no longer has that worried look on his face all the time and wants to be a part of the action more than ever. He's a happy boy who loves people and loves finding new things to explore. He loves to hunker down and 'hide' from his brother Jolly while he's busy doing zoomies around the play pen, then when he makes a pass by him, he clotheslines him with his whole body. It's a good thing he's squishy! But currently his favorite activity is to wait for his brother Chilly to get stuck in the cat tree and pull on his tail. What can I say? Boys will be boys. At 6 weeks old Cocoa weighs 7.4lbs.
DOB: 12-12-21
Sire: Monty
Dam: Rogue
Current Home: with the Brewington family in ID
Previous Call Names: "Jolly" and "Cocoa" from our Christmas Litter!
1-22-22 Jolly:If there was any puppy with a zest for life and energy to spare...it's Jolly! The ONLY thing that has changed about him from last week is that he's bigger and more energetic. He wants all the love, all the pets and aaalll the shenanigans! He gets the zoomies more than any puppy and streaks across the playpen trying to get the other puppies to chase him. He's like a furry brown bowling ball with legs. He and Cocoa are best buds and usually Jolly ends up on bottom during their wrestling matches, but that does not discourage him. His love for people is almost as great as his love for toys...or food. If you don't have a smile on your face...this puppy is sure to put one there. At 6 weeks old Jolly weighs 6.5lbs.
1-22-22 Cocoa: Sweet little Cocoa has become so much more curious and engaging over this last week. He no longer has that worried look on his face all the time and wants to be a part of the action more than ever. He's a happy boy who loves people and loves finding new things to explore. He loves to hunker down and 'hide' from his brother Jolly while he's busy doing zoomies around the play pen, then when he makes a pass by him, he clotheslines him with his whole body. It's a good thing he's squishy! But currently his favorite activity is to wait for his brother Chilly to get stuck in the cat tree and pull on his tail. What can I say? Boys will be boys. At 6 weeks old Cocoa weighs 7.4lbs.
"Myrtle Elizabeth"
DOB: 12-12-21 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the McCall family in ID Previous Call Name: "Holly" from our Christmas litter 1-22-22: Still super affectionate and now super inquisitive, little Holly is an amazing little puppy. She is still my 'equal opportunist' and whatever is going on (that seems most fun at the time) she's right up in it. Whenever she gets the chance though, she abandons whatever mischief she's into and frantically tries to crawl up your leg to show you how much she adores you. Holly is pretty famous currently for being 'distracted' at the dinner table. She chows down with her siblings, but then out of the corner of her eye she'll spot my husband, myself or a toy and 'SQUIRREL'! She runs over to investigate. Shortly after she realizes she's hungry and starts to cry because the food bowl is no longer in front of her. I've spend many a minute guiding her back to the mess hall lol. At 6 weeks old Holly weighs 7lbs. |
"Indy" DOB: 12-12-21 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with Miriah B. in WA Previous Call Name: St. Nick from our Christmas litter 1-22-22: Remember the old, wise, sweet Golden Retriever named 'Shadow' that was in the movie Homeward Bound? I feel like, if Shadow was reincarnated, he would be St. Nick. This puppy is just a sweet, happy, loving and dedicated puppy. He LOVES people and he gives me that vibe that he's just a companion to the bitter end. Through thick or thin. He's the most laid back of the gang, but is still a puppy and loves to wrestle and play and is super curious. But when it comes time for cuddles or chilling, he's right there. He still loves all the puppy shenanigans, but his favorite spot is to be with his person. And that special tail wag of his is still golden. At 6 weeks old St. Nick weighs 8lbs. |
"Rex" DOB: 12-12-21 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Fair family in ID Previous Call Name: "Chilly" from our Christmas Litter 1-22-22: Our good ol' Chilly Dog is still as happy and care-free as ever. Never aggressive or competitive, just looking for a good time. Chilly is super curious, adventurous and those floppy little hound dog ears are everything! He's more active at 6 weeks old than he was at 5 weeks. Less laying back and observing and more participating. His current favorite activity is to is to crawl into the bottom hole of our cat's tree, discovers the 2nd level, then pokes his head out. He then spends the next 20 minutes trying to get his hind end to catch up to his front end. Never a dull moment with this babe. At 6 weeks old, Chilly weighs 7.2lbs. |
"Saint" DOB: March 1st, 2021 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Snow family in OH Previous Call Name: "Saint" from our St. Patricks Day Litter 4-19-21: Sweet little Saint is 7 weeks old today and the last puppy to find his forever home. Saint has developed from an impish little baby to a very smart, interested and active puppy. He has traded in his trouble maker pull-ups and upgraded to big boy pants (with the occasional puppy shenanigans thrown in for good measure). Saint is very curious and always wants to be with people. We spent the majority of the weekend outside in the beautiful weather building our chicken coop and the three amigos (Pearl, Patrick and Saint) ran around playing and investigating. Saint was always the one sitting right on the outskirts of the activity watching intently, in case he needed to hand us the hammer I'm sure. He never startled with the loud noises and was never discouraged when we couldn't give him constant attention. He loves to romp and play but when you give him the opportunity, he'll run right up to you and want to be in your lap. As you can see, he also enjoys the 'lap of luxury'. He loves to join us inside and hasdeveloped a taste for the back of the couch. I think he enjoys being able to monitor the entire living room and lend a little paw wherever needed. This kiddo is going to make a great sidekick for the right person or family when they come along! |
"Guinness" DOB: March 1st, 2021 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Barnhart family in ID Previous Call Name: Guinness from our St. Patricks Day Litter 4-11-21: Holy cow you guys, the kids are already 6 weeks old! How is this a thing?!?It seems like just last week Winnie was giving birth and I was panicking about how long it was taking Jig to make her appearance!! I guess that's life. Well, at 6 weeks old the kids are finally leveling out as to what their true temperaments are going to be as adults. There are still some changes appearing here and there, but for the most part, they have arrived! Mr. Guinness apparently did not like that his brother Lucky too the heavy weight belt from him and is gaining weight like a champ (pun intended) and now weighs. Guinness's personality is great. He has just enough spice to keep him interested in things, keep him curious and keep you laughing. This puppy wants to play, play, play! He's less than graceful right now as he waddles along and trips on his own two front paws every 3rd stride it seems. But does that stop him? Nope! He keeps his eye on the target and keeps going. He loves people and loves to engage. He still has a bit of that 'baby' personality whereif he's unsure of something, or tired and whiny, he wants his 'mama'. When I say 'mama' I mean, anyone to comfort and cuddle him. He loves attention and affection, wants to play non-stop and is a BIG BOY! At 6 weeks old Guinness weighs 9lbs 11oz. Be ready for a 70 pounder with this kid! |
"Pearl" DOB: March 1st, 2021 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: Staying here with us! Previous Call Name: "Patty" from our St. Patrick's Day Litter 4-11-21: Precious Princess Patty as I love to refer to her weighs 8lbs 12oz at 6 weeks old. You guys, I found my puppy! From day 1 I thought I'd want Jig because of her cool brownish-black coat. But then I said to myself, "self...follow your own rule and wait until they're older to pick your puppy! Because what do you tell other families, when they're first born, all you're going off of is gender and color!" Turns out, I'm glad I listened to myself. Patty has turned out just like her mom Winnie and her sister Rogue...she's sassy yet classy! Her sweet innocent half has fallen to the wayside and she has put on her sassy pants and tries to rule the roost. Patty is smart, loving but holy cow she tries to see how far she can go before she gets in trouble. Give an inch take a mile is Patty's M.O. But I love it. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment because that's exactly what Winnie and Rogue were like as puppies. They were the alpha females of the litter and pushed buttons all the time. We had several 'come to Jesus' talks during their adolescence but everything turned out great. I already know what I'm naming this diamond in the rough. Her new name is 'Pearl'. If any of you know me, I'm a huge Disney fan and my all time favorite ride at Disney since childhood is The Pirates of the Carribean. Once Johnny Depp graced the screen as Captain Jack Sparrow, commander of The Black Pearl, I loved it even more. So there you have it, I have my very own Black Pearl. I'm looking forward to having another mouthy teen in my home. I think I may be certifiable. |
"Shadowfax" DOB: March 1st, 2021 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Binggelli Family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Shamrock' from our St. Patricks Day Litter 4-11-21: I won't lie folks...I am super jealous of whoever takes this baby home. Sham is gaining weight by leaps and bounds. It just goes to show what a good meal will do for you. He's gaining weight at the fastest rate of all the puppies. The others average around 1-1.5lbs per week...Shamrock is averaging 1.5-2lbs! At 6 weeks old he weighs 6lbs 2oz. He is the perfect size and I think will continue down that path. He's build like a perfect little square with a nice round belly. Nothing stops him from participating in anything nowadays. I think his mindset is, "puh-lease, I grew up the smallest of 3 sisters and 4 brothers AND fell behind the curve at 3 weeks old, I can handle anything." Way to go buddy! He loves to engage and play but always remains polite about it. He's not overly obnoxious, loud or aloof. He loves to cuddle, but also has no problems being alone. He eats like a champ and we have not heard hid nor hair of that weird gurgly sound he used to make while bottle feeding. Sham is so cool, calm and collected that I feel like he's an old soul. Nothing really shakes him. All that extra attention and socialization he got during his 'episode' I think really helped develop his tolerance level of changes going on around him. Cool and level headed is this guy. The true underdog turned hero story. |
"CoCo Rose" DOB: March 1st, 2021 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Hansen family in ID Previous Call Name: "Clover" from our St. Patricks Day Litter 4-11-21: I want the sweetest puppy in the litter. The one that can't stop wagging her tail and gives kisses for days. The one that never wants to leave my side, wants to play and wants to cuddle at night while I binge Netflix. Order Up! That is Clover to a 't'. At 6 weeks old and 7lbs 13oz Miss Clover can still be picked out the litter just by looks. She has that adorably sweet round head, huge round eyes and floppy hound dog ears that give you the type of feels that say, "Oh my gosh I just want to squeeze your face!" in that aggressive type tone. You know the one I mean lol ;) Clover loves to be held and cuddled but also has no problem being on her own. Many times, if she's uncertain of situations, she finds a nice quiet covert location where she can observe and then join in when she knows it's safe. She's smart and funny and she is so tender hearted. She's soft and sensitive to where I don't think training her will be an issue. She thrives on the tone of your voice. Praise her and talk sweet and she's in heaven. She's smart and funny and she is so tender hearted. She's soft and sensitive to where I don't think training her will be an issue. She thrives on the tone of your voice. Praise her and talk sweet and she's in heaven. But a harsh tone, or a stern 'no' and she knows she does not like that, and stops whatever she's doing. This sweet little puppy is a heart melter. |
"Linus" DOB: March 1st, 2021 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Hallman family in UT Previous Call Name: "Patrick" from our St. Patrick's Day Litter 4-11-21: At 6 weeks old and 7lbs 15oz Patrick is the strong silent type. Patrick has changed the most I feel in these last weeks. He has shown that now, he's more that easy going, engage when the mood strikes, but he enjoys being the mysterious puppy, sitting by himself watching the shenanigans. Patrick is cool, calm and collected. He doesn't make much noise and enjoys being a hall-monitor type. When his 'puppy gene' kicks in, he loves to drag poor defenseless toys across the yard and give them a good shake. He loves to plow into his siblings at a dead run and then when they're stunned, pounce on them. I think playing dirty appeals to him. Patrick doesn't mind being cuddled and kissed. He's very tolerant and when he's had enough, he finds a good spot to lay down and pass out. This puppy is a great 50/50 combination of independent and partner material. |
"Lily" DOB: March 1st, 2021 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Family: with the Baldwin family in AZ Previous Call Name: 'Jig' from our St. Patricks Day Litter 4-11-21: At 6 weeks old little Jig remains a lot like her brother Shamrock with her own little twist. 7lbs 13oz and she's a calm, cool and collected little girl and implements those traits while also being very curious, playful and happy. This puppy has never shown a sour spirit, been scared and ran away or tried to dominate or bully any of her siblings. She goes with the flow, checks out all the activity around her and joins in on whatever is most interested at that time. Jig loves people, loves to play, cuddle or pounce on unsuspecting shoes passing by. She's extremely curious and super smart. She was one of the first puppies to figure out the doggie door and better yet, figure out how to get back in through the doggie door. Unlike a lot of the puppies that cry and act like all hope is lost when they can't figure something out, you can see the wheels turning inside this girls head and sure enough, she's figures it out. Jig is super brave and confidant as well, so even if she can't figure something out, she moves on and doesn't pout. What an amazing little girl! |
"Magic" DOB: March 1st, 2021 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Thomas family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Lucky' from our St. Patrick's Day Litter 4-11-21: Lucky remains the class clown of the litter but has also developed a bit of a mischievous streak. At 6 weeks old and 9lbs 2oz he has learned how to use his size and if he wants something from his brothers or sisters, he'll just sit on them and take it. It's quite the classic 'big brother' move. When it comes to people however, Lucky could not be happier. He wants to be touched, loved and cuddled. Play time never stops for him and wherever you go, he wants to follow. He's interested in everything you do and it literally under your feet trying to participate. I've learned to shuffle my feet around Lucky. This puppy does not know any emotion but happy. His tail never stops and when there's something that peaks his curiosity, there's no animal that looks more regal than Lucky. He stands at full attention, ears up nose pointed and tail strait up in the air. When I take pictures, I like to imagine him posing, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye and saying, "mom, take the picture, this is my good side." What a ham, and a plump, happy, goofy ham at that. |
"Dublin" DOB: March 1st, 2021 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Bray family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Dublin' from our St. Patricks Day Litter 4-11-21: There are 3 puppies in this litter that I like to describe as 'old souls'. Shamrock, Jig and Dublin. I've used this phrase several times already but calm, cool and collected are these 3 to a 't'. Dublin still has that awesome little face that stands out in the litter just like his sister Clover. 6 weeks old and 6lbs 10oz he has a round little head, droopy hound dog type ears and big round soulful eyes. Dublin is so chill nothing phases him. He is the most tolerant puppy in the litter along with Shamrock. He's just as curious as the rest of the group, but doesn't scare easy and I don't think I've ever heard him bark. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body, has never picked on any of his brothers or sisters and since he is one of the 2 smallest in the litter, he is used to being rolled around, squished under the cuddle puddle and all the rest of the things you do to little brothers. All of this has made for a puppy that can handle anything that comes his way. He loves to be snuggled and I can see many couch potato days watching movies with his family in his future. He does enjoy play time with a good toy, but it's as zealous about it like Guinness or Saint. What a dream dog. |
"Maxim" DOB: Oct. 3rd, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Clemens Family in ID Previous Call Name: "Jack" from our Halloween Litter! 11-14-20: Sweet Mr. Jack. What a proud puppy. He maintains his ‘I’m a big boy I can do it myself, I don’t need to be babied’...but then you pick him up and he can’t get enough love and won’t leave until you make him. It’s a secret though...don’t tell anyone. Jack is a very easy going, composed and independent puppy. He doesn’t need constant reassurance and handles himself very well when left alone. He’s not a complainer or a whiner and can almost always be found somewhere cozy watching the activities from afar and joins in when he chooses. The great thing is, if you try to engage him, he’ll never turn you down. He just chooses to do his own thing until provided with a more tempting opportunity. Don’t tell the other puppies I said this, but Jack is so well put together. His build and face shape is perfect. All the babies are cute but Jack is the one that fits the breed standard to a ‘T’. At 6 weeks old he weighs 7lbs 9oz. |
DOB: Oct. 3rd, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Koehn Family in ID Previous Call Name: "Spooky" from our Halloween Litter! 11-14-20: Spooky is such a great puppy. At 6 weeks old this baby is 8lbs 3oz. He has stayed very consistent with his little personality. He is a great blend of so many qualities. He is brave but not overbearing. Sweet but not timid. Playful but not obnoxious and curious yet he doesn’t get into everything. He follows his brothers Boo and Pumpkin and is part of the 3 Amigos group. I like to think of him as the support system. Boo is the brains, Pumpkin is the braun and Spooky is there to tell them they’re doing a great job, they’re the best brothers in the whole wide world and don’t forget to share their discoveries when they find them. When he’s not with his brothers Spooky loves a good game of squeaky toy with a person. He’ll crawl in your lap... with great effort due to his natural clumsiness and play for days. He loves to roll his sister around and sometimes even lets her pin him for a change...to help her confidence of course. |
"Charlie" DOB: Oct. 3rd, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Keetch Family in WA Previous Call Name: "Pumpkin" from our Halloween Litter! 11-13-20: Once again, here’s a puppy I’m super proud of with the progress he’s made. At 6 weeks old he weighs 7lbs 12oz and is still brave, adventurous, forgiving and tough...but his sassy-pistol streak has calmed slightly. He no longer deliberately seeks out trouble with his siblings. He still has wrestling matches that often end in an argument (it’s all fun and games until someone’s tail gets bitten) but for the most part, I’ve noticed |
he no longer feels the need to march around being a meanie-head. He and his 2 brothers Spooky and Boo are quite the team. I like to call them The 3 Amigos. What a bunch. Boo leads the pack but Pumpkin is his right hand man...the ‘muscle’ if you will. He’s not afraid to try anything and he’s tough enough to recover from the outcome and go back for more. The other side to Pumpkins coin is adorable. He loves people and small kids, and is definitely not afraid of them. He loves attention and affection and is up for any adventure you can throw his way. I think his 3 Amigos training is going to make him a great Robin to someone’s Batman.
DOB: Oct. 3rd, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Chawla Family in WA Previous Call Name: "Frankie" from our Halloween Litter! 11-14-20: I am so proud of our sweet little Frankie! He has made great progress this last week. I can now safely say I feel like he is truly going to grow up to be a more laid back and reserved puppy. He loves people and loves to be cuddled, held, kissed and told he’s the most handsome boy in all the land. He’s so tender hearted and gentle. He has stayed reserved and tentative but not fearful. He prefers to watch from a distance and then join in the fun. His playful puppy side has come out ten fold and he is so precious to watch. He naturally wears his submissive ears with people and gives kisses and wants to curl in your lap, but is also up for a game of Squeaky Toy anytime. He’s |
the best at Squeaky Toy. This baby boy is an absolute doll and will be an amazing addition to a family who understands that he likes love, affection, is super chill. He prefers peace and quiet to chaos. At 6 weeks old Frankie weighs 7lbs 13oz.
"Luka" DOB: Oct. 3rd, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Ady Family in ID Previous Call Name: "Boo" from our Halloween Litter! 11-14-20: Oh my goodness what a character this little baby has turned out to be. I could watch him for hours. Boo loves people, that’s a fact. He will sit and kiss you, frantically nuzzle you and use his little paws to reach for you. Boo is uber adventurous. He loves exploring and is brave enough to try anything once. But lets be honest...he’s going to try it at least twice. He is always the first puppy to learn something new or try something first. He was first to learn the puppy ramp, first to use the doggie door, first to learn to climb up and down the porch etc etc. He is playful, curious, clownish and oh so sweet. At 6 weeks old he weighs 7lbs 9oz. |
"Liesel" DOB: Oct. 3rd, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Strader Family in ID Previous Call Name: "Hocus Pocus" from our Halloween Litter! 11-13-20: In just 1 week this little girl’s temperament has shined through greatly. Hocus is super smart, watches her brothers do it the hard way, she uses brain over braun to do it her way. She’s lively, spunky and very social. She’s confidant enough to be by herself but given the opportunity she’s a cuddle monster! At 6 weeks old Hocus weighs 6lbs 15oz. |
"Giggles" DOB: March 29th, 2020 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: Previous Call Name: "Giggles" from our April Fools litter! 5-7-20: Sweet sensitive little Giggles. She is the one who sits in the corner and watches the activities and uses her pouty face to her advantage until someone comes and picks her up for a cuddle session. Giggles is a more tentative puppy. She hesitates with new noises, toys and situations and needs that 'one person' to be her BFF. She loves to cuddle, give kisses and play with you, but needs a lot of reassurance that she is safe. She's the sweetest little thing. |
DOB: March 29th, 2020 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Armga family in WA! Previous Call Name: "Quirky" from our April Fools litter! 5-7-20: This little baby is very much like her sister 'Riddle'. Quirky is very even-keeled. She's so sweet, affectionate and curious. She plays great, not too rough and not too timid. She loves human interaction and is very affectionate. She roams around and is curious and does not mind being off by herself and doesn't scare easy. She loves to drag toys around and wrestle with her brothers and sisters. She's so cuddly when she chooses a spot and curls up. Quirky is the best of both worlds and almost leans toward the calmer side a bit. She goes with the flow and as long as she's with you, she's happy. |
"Luna" DOB: March 29th, 2020 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Livermore family in CA Previous Call Name: "Silly" from our April Fools litter 5-7-20: Sweet little Silly girl has been the puppy to most surprise and impress me. She was the tiniest baby from the get-go, so for some reason I assumed she'd be the most tentative or most fearful. Boy was I wrong! This little girl approaches challenges head on. She isn't afraid of anything. She investigates and joins in the fun. Her size doesn't stop her. When her big brother Jester throws his weight around, she never backs down. She is not sassy at all, she just doesn't realize she's small! Anything the rest of the pack can do, so can she. She is a huge cuddler and will lay in your lap for hours. Once you get up and move, she'll just wait for you to sit down again and re-claim her spot. Silly is one of a kind! |
"Riddle" DOB: March 29th, 2020 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Beidenbach family in ID Previous Call Name: "Riddle" from our April Fools litter! 5-7-20: What a great well rounded puppy. This girl is happy, curious, not too exuberant and oh so sweet. She enters any situation with intrigue and then joins in the fun. She's not too sassy with any of the other puppies and is never a rough player. She loves people, is super affectionate and very engaged during play. She doesn't let a lot phase her but has been startled from time to time. Riddle is also a gorgeous puppy. She has a sweet teddy bear face, a round head and a square muzzle like her daddy. That look kills me everytime! She is a great well rounded puppy. |
"Mavis" DOB: March 29th, 2020 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Garner family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Mischief' from our April Fools Litter 5-7-20: This little girl is always up for fun. During picture time I was lucky to get any with her holding still because all she wanted to do was be in my lap! She loves attention and affection. She's stocky, has a round little belly and perky, floppy ears. She's beautiful! She's so engaged in play, is super curious and tends to sit back, watch the action, then decides if she wants to join. She seems to use her brains more. Missy responds great to people, comes when I call to the pack and has never been aggressive to any of the other puppies. She's a very 'go with the flow' kind of girl. |
"Alfred" aka 'Big Al' and "Amelia" aka 'Millie
DOB: March 29th, 2020
Sire: Haus
Dam: Winnie
Current Home: with the Herold family in ID
Previous Call Names: Jester and Shenanigan from our April Fools litter
**Jester and Shenanigan got to go home and be raised together forever!**
5-7-20: Oh little Shenanny! This is the female version of Jester. This girl is always up for fun and play time! She wants to wrestle, stalk you and then pounce. She thinks she's sneakier than she is, but her natural puppy clumsiness gives her away every time! She loves to watch what you're doing, wait poised and then attack! She's hilarious to watch. She never says no to a good time and always stays up a little longer than the rest of the gang to make sure she's absorbed every drop of fun that can be had. Once she's gotten her energy out, she's the best snuggler. This good lookin' puppy is a riot.
5-7-20: Holy cow, almost 6 weeks old and all these babies have personalities of their own! Meet Mr. Personality himself! Jester is active, curious, feisty and did I mention active? This guy is into everything! He's very responsive to people and is the first one to come running when I call to the pack. He constantly watches you and where you are and wants to be involved. He's a very sassy player, using his size to his advantage and is a pistol! He loves his toys, loves to drag them around and is a HUGE class clown. This boy never stops!
DOB: March 29th, 2020
Sire: Haus
Dam: Winnie
Current Home: with the Herold family in ID
Previous Call Names: Jester and Shenanigan from our April Fools litter
**Jester and Shenanigan got to go home and be raised together forever!**
5-7-20: Oh little Shenanny! This is the female version of Jester. This girl is always up for fun and play time! She wants to wrestle, stalk you and then pounce. She thinks she's sneakier than she is, but her natural puppy clumsiness gives her away every time! She loves to watch what you're doing, wait poised and then attack! She's hilarious to watch. She never says no to a good time and always stays up a little longer than the rest of the gang to make sure she's absorbed every drop of fun that can be had. Once she's gotten her energy out, she's the best snuggler. This good lookin' puppy is a riot.
5-7-20: Holy cow, almost 6 weeks old and all these babies have personalities of their own! Meet Mr. Personality himself! Jester is active, curious, feisty and did I mention active? This guy is into everything! He's very responsive to people and is the first one to come running when I call to the pack. He constantly watches you and where you are and wants to be involved. He's a very sassy player, using his size to his advantage and is a pistol! He loves his toys, loves to drag them around and is a HUGE class clown. This boy never stops!
"Haus Jr" DOB: March 29th, 2020 Sire: Haus Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Shirey family in OR Previous Call Name: 'Bamboozled' from our April Fools Litter 5-7-20: Oh our sweet baby boy Bamboozled! Such a kind and tender hearted little baby. He is laid back, never sassy or aggressive. He loves to be held and smooched and always sits back and just monitors the situation. He'll join in to play, but it's always a very gentlemanly kind of play. He loves people and when he see's you, he puts on his little passive ears and his tail wags so hard it could carry him away. He just wants to cuddle and lick, lick, lick! Bam is so much like his daddy. He just wants to make friends, cuddle in your lap and play with you and his toys. He's like a little Haus Jr.! That sweet face screams 'daddy's boy' too. Such a precious puppy. |
"Beau Teagan" DOB: February 6th, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Lair family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Beau' from our Valentines litter On April 21st Emma texted me: "Mr. Beau Teagan is loving being outside! He got his shots yesterday and wormed and weighed 17.7lbs! I love him so much!" |
"Benjamin" DOB: February 6th, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Hey family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Smitten' from our Valentines litter On March 28th the Hey family posted on Facebook: "My sweet little guy came home last night and he didn't whine at all all night! Stayed in his crate like a champ! (I've never heard of a dog doing that before?! Did any of your poodles do that?) I woke up a couple times and he was just observing me from across the room😂 me and my siblings decided to name him Benjamin Franklin (Ben)because he is so independent! He doesn't spook easily and he's just so sweet! He's my first poodle, and I don't know if I could ever get a different breed now😂 I can't believe Ben is here in my house! The wait just seemed like it was going to last FOREVER." |
"Nala" DOB: February 6th, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Thomas family in MN Previous Call Name: 'Hugs' from our Valentines litter On April 15th, 2020 Nala's new family wrote me this: "Hi Megan, I hope that all is going well with the new litter. I am sure you are staying busy! We wanted to share an intro video of Nala that we are |
putting on our blog. She is such a good puppy already! She has only had 3 accidents in 3 weeks and is really good about telling us when she needs to go outside. She knows "sit" already and we are working on "down." One of our favorite things about her is that she is so observant, but not timid when she is observing. She simply sits down, looks with interest, decides she is good, and is up and moving again. She hardly fussed at all with kennel training from night one and she is already sleeping through the night with no need for breaks! Her first vet visit today showed her to be healthy and 11 lbs already!
We "raised" her in Montana for the first few weeks and she grew to love the snow and my inlaws Standard Poodle, Poppy. She will have to make new friends here in Minnesota, but she is adjusting really well. She already sleeps on her bed while I am working from home and she is really good at fetch. Totally in love with her and appreciate the care you put into your litters. Thank you again and hope you enjoy the video. "
This is the link to Nala's video!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnmlX5TNaW8&feature=youtu.be
We "raised" her in Montana for the first few weeks and she grew to love the snow and my inlaws Standard Poodle, Poppy. She will have to make new friends here in Minnesota, but she is adjusting really well. She already sleeps on her bed while I am working from home and she is really good at fetch. Totally in love with her and appreciate the care you put into your litters. Thank you again and hope you enjoy the video. "
This is the link to Nala's video!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnmlX5TNaW8&feature=youtu.be
"Stella" DOB: February 6th, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Rausch family in MT Previous Call Name: 'Rose' from our Valentines litter On April 5th, Karyl texted me: "Those eyes are something else. She is truly an adventurer and nothing is scaring her. She's charging around checking out her new digs. Girl is running around like it's just the best fun ever!" |
"Sophie" DOB: February 6th, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Kukoski family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Kisses' from our Valentines litter 3-15-20: Still the looker of the group. Kisses is the smallest and the darkest puppy of the litter. She is so affectionate and loves people. She's the first in my lap and the last to leave. She loves to run and play and is hilarious to watch do zoomies around the yard. I have yet to see a mean bone in this girls body. She never picks a fight with her siblings and is always to busy playing with her toys to ever be the one that is picked on. This puppy tends to be one that hangs back when it comes to new experiences. She's shy but not fearful. She's quiet but not aloof. She needs a moment to become accustomed to things and then will join in. After an afternoon of playing, Kisses can always be found back on their bed observing after she's decided a nap is in order. |
"Auggie" DOB: February 6th, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Teeples family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Suitor' from our Valentines litter On March 29th Sarah texted me: "He's been playing and playing all day! We put him in his kennel for a morning nap, but has finally settled down (after playing and playing with the kids) for an afternoon snooze. We had a good night with him. He only got up once to go potty, and has been doing so good thus far with potty training. We are just in love with him! Hes so sweet! I can tell he loved to play with his siblings. Hes so cute chasing the kids around outside. I think he is getting more comfortable here!" |
"Lexus" DOB: February 6th, 2020 Sire: Monty Dam: Rogue Current Home: with the Winter family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Flirt' from our Valentines litter 3-15-20: Such a sweet and interactive puppy, I alsways see Flirt with a toy or stuffed animal in her mouth. She is going to grow up to love toys and most likely be a great fetch partner. She loves human interaction, and as far as temperament, she fits right down the middle. She is not a dominant or pushy puppy, no is she afraid or docile. She follows where the fun goes and is still a little ball of sound effects! |
'Molly' DOB: June 26th, 2019 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Shirey family in WA Previous Call Name: 'Fire' from our camping themed litter 8-4-19: 3 days shy of 6 weeks old and Fire lives up to her name! She is the most active, energetic and bravest puppy in the litter. She wants to know whats going on everywhere and wants to be a part of everything! She fears nothing, and makes friends with anything she sees! While mowing the lawn, I had to stop at least dozen times because Fire wasn't afraid of the mower at all and attempted to climb it! Fire is so happy and full of zeal. Nothing stops her and as long as she can be a part of what you're doing, she's on cloud 9! |

'Colette' aka 'CoCo'
DOB: June 26th, 2019
Sire: Monty
Dam: Annie
Current Home: Lee family in ID
Previous Call Name: 'River' from our camping themed litter
8-4-19: Happy little River at almost 6 weeks old remains the more tentative puppy. She runs and play and has a great time like everyone else, but she is more cautious than everyone else. She waits to see if it's safe, then proceeds. She is also the most kind and submissive with her affection. She crawls in your lap with her tail wagging so fast it could lift her off the ground, she lays her little ears down and starts licking air the moment she sees you. She loves to give love in a very submissive way.
Klaus DOB: June 26, 2019 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Heck family in ID Previous Call Name: Forest from our Camping themed litter 8-4-19: I am so happy to say, that all of the physical therapy since birth and the determination on Forest's part has finally paid off! Forest is 100% normal at almost 6 weeks old! He has full range of motion in his front legs, he runs, walks, plays and behaves totally normal. His development was about a week behind his sisters, but now at almost 6 weeks, he's right where he should be. He still remains the runt of the litter, weighing only 1/3 of the rest of the gang, so he will be a much smaller baby, but considering his odds at birth, we'll take it! Forest remains cool, calm and collected. He doesn't whine or complain, he loves to be held and behaves just like a normal puppy when he plays with his sisters. He's pulls their hair, bites their tails and steals their toys. Typical little brother! |
Finley DOB: 6-26-19 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: In WA with the Shirey Family! Previous Call Name: S'More from our camping theme litter 8-4-19: S'More is our most playful and adventurous puppy! When everyone is let out to play, S'More tags along with her Auntie Rogue and barks, chases, play bows and thinks she's a big girl. Rogue tends to play rough and S'More is the only one that will withstand the batting of the paws and the rolling in the grass. She is not afraid to go off on her own, and investigates everything. She's well rounded when it comes to her playful nature, she's not over the top, but is not submissive. She's independent, curious, joyful and loving. She is confidant enough to go it alone, but loves company all the same! |
DOB: 6-26-19 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: In ID with the Bonser Family! Previous Call Name: "Stars" from our camping litter 8-4-19: 3 days shy of 6 weeks old and Stars holds steady as the happiest baby in the litter! She seeks out people wherever she goes, wants play, be in your lap or climb on you to lick your face! Her tail never stops wagging and she is full of life. She investigates everything and is not fearful at all. She has been introduced to the neighbor dogs and loves them equally without worry. This baby loves her toys, her food an her siblings, never has she been a bully, shown a naughty streak or had to be scolded! Stars will brighten up anyone's day! |
DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: In ID with the Gamble Family Previous Call Name: 'Tulip' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: Not as sensitive as she used to be, but Tulip is still our tender hearted little girl. She likes to sit back and watch the group and then when it's deemed safe, she joins in. She doesn't like to lead the pack and is usually one of the puppies left behind crying, when everyone else has run toward something more interested. Tulip loves people and to be snuggled and feels more secure I believe when someone is coaching her. |
DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: In ID with the Stasio Family Previous Call Name: 'Sunny' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: Sweet Sunny is a bit of a sass pants and loves to go after her siblings when they least expect it. Jumping on them during nap time, pulling on their tails, or snatching their toys mid-play. For her size she's quite fast and agile and uses that to her advantage. She can squeeze through the smallest gaps around the feeding bowl during meal times, and always find the coziest nooks in the puppy cuddle puddle during bedtime. This girl is hilarious to watch and is determined not to let her size get her down! |
'Krona' DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: In UT with the Scott Family Previous Call Name: 'Peep' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: Our little cuddly Peeper has turned into the little monster of the group! He's one of the puppies leading the group, pinning everyone else down and chewing on them and is ALWAYS first to the food dish. Peep throws his weight around and uses it to wrestle and climb up my leg to get first cuddles. He still loves people and attention, but his fiesty side is coming out and he sure knows how to use it! |
'Jelly Bean' DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: In MT with the Lommastch Family Previous Call Name: 'Jelly Bean' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: What a smart cookie little Jelly is. The first one to follow my exact step during the first outing to the back yard. Out of the pen, up the stair, down the stair into the other pen where her food awaits. She is curious, happy and looks right at you when you talk to her. She's very intrigued by your voice, and will follow it anywhere. Even if it's away from the food or the litter, she wants to be where you are to see whats going to happen next. |
'Kismet' DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: In OR with the Griffin Family Previous Call Name: 'Hopps' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: My favorite puppy of the group is Hopps. She is not only a great looking puppy, but her charisma and energy are awesome! She loves people and will follow you anywhere. She is interested in everything and never shy's away from new things. She knows how to climb the steps, never cries when she's scared or unsure, and is always running around the a toy in her mouth which is inevitably drops when she sees me. She loves food more than toys and is a piglet at the dish. Hopps is just pure joy, and I've never seen her pitch a fit. |
'Callaway' DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: In ID with the Weber Family Previous Call Name: 'Chick' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: Chickadee remains one of the female ring leaders of the group. She is very smart and uses her brains to replace what she lacks in size to get what she wants. She steps ups and over the rest of the puppies to get to the food dish as opposed to plowing through them, she waits and watches the other puppies attempt something before she determines it's safe and my favorite, when she wants a toy and someone won't share, she begins to play with another one until they drop the original target, and then she swoops in for the win! She loves to wrestle and attack her toys and is always wanting affection. |
DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: In CO with the Pasquale Family Previous Call Name: 'Cadbury' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: The clever and curious Cadbury is making leaps and bound in his development. He is brave, curious and is starting to be the first one to try new things. He's the leader during feeding time when I lead the litter to the back yard. He learned out to jump out of the playpen, chases after me so fast I have tripped on him a time or two, scaled teh one step onto the deck, then did a nose dive off the one step on the other side. He is a happy tail wagger, loves people and stops for nothing! |
'Bella' DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: In IL with the Schier Family Previous Call Name: 'Bunny' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: Bunny, along with her sisters 'Sunny' and 'Chick' are part of the group that know that brains beat out brawn every time. Bunny loves to wrestle, but always end up on top despite her size. He is curious and crafty. She picks up her stuffed toys and shakes them back and forth until she throws her self off balance. She is one of the first puppies to lead the pack when we go out to the back yard for meal time. She loves to be held and would lick your face all day long! |
'Blue Bonnet'
DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: In Texas with the Thomsen Family Previous Call Name: 'Bonnet' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: This gentle giant of the group, Bonnet towers over the other puppies but doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She is always the pillow at the bottom of the puppy cuddle puddle and there are always at least 3 sibling snuggled up next to her. She runs around and eventually trips over her own feet but gets right back up and back at whatever she was chasing. She loves her brothers and sisters and loves people even more. You can't help but pick her up and squish her chubby little face! |
'Birdie' DOB: April 4th, 2019 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: Going home with the Pasquale Family in CO Previous Call Name: 'Birdie' from our Easter Litter 5-10-19: The clever and curious Cadbury is making leaps and bound in his development. He is brave, curious and is starting to be the first one to try new things. He's the leader during feeding time when I lead the litter to the back yard. He learned out to jump out of the playpen, chases after me so fast I have tripped on him a time or two, scaled teh one step onto the deck, then did a nose dive off the one step on the other side. He is a happy tail wagger, loves people and stops for nothing! |
DOB: Dec. 24th, 2018 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Monson family in NV Previous Call Name: 'Elf' from our Christmas Eve Litter 2-3-19: At 6 weeks old Elf still remains his proud regal self and holds tight to his 'protector' role of the litter. He is very happy, confidant and playful. He wrestles and tustles, especially with his brother Mr. Grinch. The two of them roll around like gladiators in their whelping box pulling at toys and bark, bark, barking! Little Elf also acts as referee and sounds the alarm when he feel cheated! He and Grinch have the biggest voices of the litter, and don't let you forget it! Elf loves people, loves to be cuddled and will follow anyone anywhere! He's brave and adventurous and his curiosity sure does get him into trouble! Today he weighed 6lbs 13oz |
'Astrid' DOB: Dec. 24th, 2018 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: with the McLaughlan Family in MO Previous name: 'Cindy Lou Who' from our Christmas Eve Litter! 2-3-19: Everyday our little Cindy comes out of her shell more and more. She is still by nature very calm, reserved and shy. But, recently she is getting more and more playful. She grabs her toys, jumps on her siblings and even barks and howls when she wants food! When you pick her up to be cuddled she still clings to you tightly and becomes apprehensive of what's happening, but give her a minute and she melts into your snuggles. Cindy Lou Who is just looking for that person who can show her the world isn't as scary as she thinks it is! Today she weighed 6lbs 10oz. |
'Alexis Rose' DOB: Dec. 24th, 2018 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Carlson Family in CO Previous Name: 'Mistletoe' from our Christmas Eve litter 2-3-19: Still the little Tasmanian devil of the group! Little Mistletoe is a kick in the pants. I could watch her all day and laugh and laugh! She has so much energy! She runs and runs and runs circles in the living room, she slides into the couch, tumbles across the carpet, and trip over her own feet. Sometimes I call her my little Grace! On all of her circles around the living room, she never forgets to skid to a stop and lick, lick, lick my face! She loves people so much, is willing to do anything to get your attention. She is our little sass pants but never in an ornery way, she's not aggressive or dominant...only has beautiful and glowing energy! She's the queen of zoomies! Today she weighed 6lbs 6oz. |
'Toad' DOB: Dec. 24th, 2018 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Bar family in ID Previous name: 'Mr. Grinch' from our Christmas Eve litter! 2-3-19: OMG...I brought out the treat jar to see if could get the babies to hold still for their photo shoot...and Grinch just decided to help himself! Mr.Grinch is the 2nd biggest baby in the litter, so it's shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that he loves food! He literally LAYS in his food dish and almost bathes himself in kibble. It's hilarious to watch. He places both feet in the dish, then lays in it. He pushes his |
'Jingles' DOB: Dec. 24th 2018 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Collins family in ID Previous name: 'Jingles' from our Christmas Eve litter! 2-3-19: Our chubby little butterball is such an awesome little clown and loves making friends with anyone and anything, toys, people and kids! Jingles will follow anyone around figuring out what they're up to and if he can join. Nothing gets him down, he's not shy or scared but not dominant or aggressive. He loves people and to be interactive. Jingles finds happiness wherever he is, he can entertain himself with a toy, or be BFF's with just about anyone!He's the biggest kiddo in the litter and weighs 7lbs 6oz today! |
'Enzo' DOB: Dec. 24th, 2018 Sire: Monty Dam: Annie Current Home: with the McLaughlan Family in MO Previous Name: 'Tinsel' from our Christmas Eve Litter! 2-3-19: Little baby Tinsel has shed his 'mama's boy' mentality and has adopted almost the exact demeanor as his big brother Jingles. Both babies are very much like their daddy! Tinsel is still the short stack of the group but that doesn't stop him. He's full of love, zest and curiosity. He hops like a bunny growls like a wolf and gives kisses just as puppies should...non-stop. He is growing wonderfully and is just a little shorter than everyone else. Tinsel is happy and energetic enough to play, wrestle and chase his toys, but also has the wonderful ability to just lay down and chill wherever he wants. He's the least barkiest of the group and has strangely enough formed a bond with my cat B.B. He thinks she's facinating and want to cuddle up next to her. Of course, BB thinks he's gross and refuses to snuggle because she's a snot. But that doesn't get him down, he tries every time! Happy little boy and willing to give so much love! Today Tinsel weighs 5lbs 4oz. |
DOB: 6-4-18 Sire: Montgomery Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Stewart family in California Previous Call Name: 'Nutter Butter" from our Cookie Litter 7-22-18: Nutter has chilled out slightly for being the alpha, he pretty much rolls with any situation you put him in, but also won't let anyone take advantage of him. He loves to explore is not afraid and loves his people so much! |
DOB: 6-4-18 Sire: Montgomery Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Sutherland Family in Colorado Previous Call Name: 'Samoa' from our Cookie litter! 7-22-18: Still the sweetest and calmest puppy in the litter is Samoa. He is just like his dad as far as personality. Very quiet, non confrontational, laid back and easy going. He even gets 'riled' up politely! Samoa is the smallest of the kids and the quietest. He's a little angel and sure does love to cuddle! |
DOB: 6-4-18 Sire: Montgomery Dam: Annie Current Home: with Rowser family in California Previous Call Name: 'Gingersnap' from our Cookie litter 7-22-18: Super sweet and full of sass, Gingersnap is hilarious to watch run around like crazy in the backyard trying to gather all the toys at once but at the same time, make contact with any other puppy or person on her way. Her beautiful green eyes and white patch on her nose sure does make her irresistible! |
DOB: 6-4-18 Sire: Montgomery Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Menssen family in UT Previous Call Name: 'Shortbread' from out Cookie litter! 7-15-18: Oh boy, Short-Stack is one of my favorites! Not so short, this is by far our rolliest-polliest puppy! Shorty is one of the jolliest, most optimistic and welcoming puppies in the group. The only difference between her and Milano, in personality, is that Shorty does things at about 3 times slower. She's Millie in slow motion, because to Shorty, nothing is worth the rush...good things come to those who take their time to stop and sniff the biscuits. She approaches any situation as if she already knows the outcome, there's not a negative thought in her head. Shorty has THE-BEST tail wag out there. Slightly longer than some other tails, she holds it level with her back and wags it's slow and steady from right to left with un-wavering purpose! Very deliberate and meaningful...tic-tock-tic-tock! This is how she approaches everything, with love, happiness and at her own pace. This girl is not a complainer and is upbeat and sure of herself. If something doesn't go her way, she moves on. She makes life what she needs to to be happy in the moment...atta girl! At 6 weeks old this carefree soul weighs 5lbs. |
DOB: 6-4-18 Sire: Montgomery Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Thomsen family in TX Previous Call Name: 'Newton' from our Cookie litter! 7-22-18: Still as sweet and angelic as ever, little Newton is so endearing and polite yet playful and full of puppy sass! He loves to kiss (as you can see in his picture) and wiggle his whole body as opposed to only his tail. His favorite spot is in your lap and he's always up for exploring new things as long as his people are there! He's adorable, polite and hysterical. I could watch him play with a ball for hours! |
DOB: 6-4-18 Sire: Montgomery Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Brown family in OR Previous Call Name: 'Sandie' from our Cookie litter! 7-15-18: Sassy pants Sandie! Meet the alpha female of the group! Gorgeous little Sandie is not only a head turner with her build, but with her attitide! Sandie loves to be first...for everything. She tenacious, fearless and investigates things the other puppies won't go near. She refuses to be pushed around and when her V.P. Gingersnap challenges her, Sandie won't back down. Sandie is definitely the boss of the pack. However, when it comes to people, Sandie will melt your heart. She LOVES people and only wants to please. She seeks you out and wags that tail so fast and with purpose you can literally see happiness emanating from it! She wants to be with people over puppies and wants that instant bond. She's bold, sharp and crafty! Nothing gets past her! As far as looks, this girl was built by the book! She has amazing upside down triangles for ears that are high set, she has a great strait topline, holds her head proud and high and her tail is ALWAYS straigt up curled over her back. You can pick her out of the crowd without looking at markings to give her away, she's the one that's always at attention and ready for action and instruction! She's going to need an engaged owner, because she's not only on the move physically, but mentally too! Smart as a whip and beautiful to boot at 6 weeks old Sandie weighs 4lbs 8oz. |
DOB: 6-4-18 Sire: Montgomery Dam: Annie Current Home: Knox family in OR Previous Call Name: 'Milano' from our Cookie litter! 7-22-18: Sill as happy as ever, this little girl can't be discouraged! She motors around everywhere looking for action. Milano loves people and won't leave your side with that little helicopter tail of hers! She loves people, dogs, cats, brothers and sisters alike, she doesn't know what strangers are....just friends she hasn't met yet! |
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Miller family in MT Previous Call Name: 'Iron Man' from the Avengers litter! 5-20-18: Steady as he goes! Iron Man is the one puppy who has pretty much maintained his personality throughout these last 6 weeks. He is so happy to be alive that everything deserves a whole hearted tail wag! His tail never stops. This gentle giant is so curious and wants all of the love! No matter what is going on, he seeks out people to get in all the cuddles he can before the other 11 know whats going on. Even if there's food to be had, toys to be played with or leaves to attack, Iron Man would much rather find the nearest lap and make a new friend. He's so playful and interactive he reminds me so much of his mother. He bats with his paws, constantly play bows and hops around to try and pounce. He's a loveable hoot! Today Iron Man weighs 5lbs 13 oz |
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: Shaver family in New Mexico Previous Call Name: 'Hulk' from the Avengers litter! 5-20-18: Mr. Hulk is stealing my heart day by day! What a wonderfully balanced puppy! Hulk is calm and cuddly. He loves snuggles and to give kisses. He's very beta when it comes to the other puppies and goes with the flow. Whatever you're doing, he wants to see and join. He gets along great with my other older 2 poodles, and still adores his mother. He's very chill and takes the day one moment at a time. He's not longer a 'fit pitcher', and always waits patiently for everything including, food, toys and cuddles. Hulk is 'the skeleton key' of the group, he'll fit anywhere! Today Hulk weighs 3lbs 15oz |
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Drake family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Peggy Carter' from the Avengers litter 5-20-18: Still strong willed like last week, but not so much silent! Peg has found her inner 'amazon woman' and along with her sister Nebula, are the most alpha puppies of the group. She loves people, but doesn't need them to feel secure. She blazes trails for the others, leads the rest of the puppies across the lawn, is the tester of the new toys and make sure everyone stays in their place. She's a sweet girl, but she's the boss! Peg is great by herself, I often find her napping away from everyone else, almost to say, "these kids are driving me nuts!" She's independent and courageous, and can be a little monster child! Today Peggy weighs 4lbs 5oz. |
'Peter Pippin Parker'
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Gallivan family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Spider-Man' from the Avengers litter 5-20-18: Much like his smaller brothers Thor and Hawkeye, Spiderman has maintained his sweet, calm and curious demeanor. This baby is the most independant of the 3 small and sweet brothers. He loves to follow around Cap and Iron Man and find what they get into. He's always off murdering leaves, attacking blades of grass and dragging his prey (a nearby stuffed toy) across the lawn. This baby loves to cuddle, and kiss. He gets along great with the rest of the litter and is not shy or fearful. Spidey amazes me everyday at the fact that he likes to roll with his big brothers and it has never crossed his mind that he's a pip-squeak lol! Today, Spidey weighs 2lbs 15oz |
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Barkley family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Nebula' from the Avengers litter 5-20-18: Naughty little Nebby! This baby has changed dramatically this last week since she’s gained weight, gotten taller and realized she can throw her weight around! So loving and interactive, but Nebula and her sister Scarlet Witch are a force! Nebby has established herself as the alpha of the group. Almost 100% of the time, when I hear a scrap going down, Nebula is always the instigator, regardless if its a ‘fun and games’ match, or if someone has called her out! Nebby has become very self assured and independent. She does not mind being by herself, she blazes the trails for the others, and often stands up for her smaller siblings if they’re getting picked on. Nebby is curious, very intelligent and gorgeous, but she is an alpha at heart. Ready to roll and be someone’s right hand girl, Nebby is all about girl power! Today Nebby weighs 3lbs 15oz |
'Rogan' aka 'Rogue'
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: With us here in ID, she stayed with our family! Previous Call Name: 'Scarlet Witch' from the Avengers litter 5-20-18: Still animated and interactive, Scarlet Witch along with her sister Nebula has climbed the hierarchy and is the dominant alpha of the group. Scarlet has a gorgeous build and color and quite often I catch her in what I like to call her ‘HBIC’ pose (head b*%*h in charge). She stands on one of the tallest spots in the yard, head up, legs square and eyes alert, scanning the yard and keeping everyone in line. When it comes to the other puppies she is often on top, growling and sassing them. However, with people, she is very loving, but you can see her testing you...how much can I get away with? She is a gorgeous and strong leader. Today Scarlet weighs 4lbs 7oz |
DOB 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Vickers Family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Black Widow' from the Avengers litter! 5-20-18: Another big changer of the group is Black Widow. She got a taste of her own medicine when her sisters Scarlet Witch and Nebula became bigger than her and asserted their alpha over her and her sister Gamora. Now that the two know they don’t rule every roost, they’ve mellowed out quite a bit. Black Widow has become very affectionate and curious. She’s often one of the handful of puppies off on her own, exploring, but checking in with me or Winnie during her daily outings. She’s happy to be in your lap kissing you endlessly, but also happy to go find a worm to slurp down (hopefully in that order lol). She loves to run and chase her toys and inevitably takes a digger head first into the fresh cut grass and comes up covered in green wanting a hug. She cracks me up. Today Black Widow weighs 3lbs 8oz |
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Stalions family in South Carolina Previous Call Name: 'Hawkeye' from the Avengers litter! 6-2-18: Hawkeye is amazingly intelligent, curious, inquisitive and very cuddly. He enjoys being wherever you are doing whatever it is you're doing. However, he is confidant and brave enough, to go out or be on his own if needed. He's not shy or hesitant, doesn't cower away from things, but is not a bully or obnoxious. Hawkeye is one of the smallest puppies in this litter and I estimate him to be around 50 lbs (give or take) and around 24" tall when full grown. He's quite a character, has great charm and charisma and loves to be with people.He's always happy and up for anything! |
DOB 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the West family in ID Previous Call Name: 'Valkyrie' from the Avengers litter! 5-20-18: This little girl has made just as many changes as her sister Gamora in the last couple weeks. Valkyrie used to be an sneaky opportunist and bite and pull the ears of her sibling then take off! Well, the group must have had an intervention with her or something because I haven’t seen baby Valkyrie do anything like that almost since last weeks updates. She has become a very confidant and self assured baby. She comes in for her daily dose of cuddles very often, then sets out in her own little adventures. She is still very opportunistic, but it has evolved in the idea that whatever you find, or whatever you’re doing, if it seems exciting and fun… she’s with you all the way! She has a very ‘Scooby Doo and the Gang’ mentality. Her brain seems to function like this, “let’s split up gang, whoever finds the first clue wins!” She is so affectionate and during her photo shoot, I couldn't get her to sit still! She is so much fun, LOVES all the other dogs and puppies and is your friend to the end! Today Valkyrie weighs 4lbs 2oz. |
'Captain Jean-Luc Picard'
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Goldenberg Family in CO! Previous Call Name: Captain America from the Avengers Litter! 5-20-18: Happy Cappy! You can always count on him to be in the middle of the puppy pile seeking affection. He loves to be everyone's best friend! He’s curious and confidant. His favorite stance when playing is ‘frog-leg’, legs strait out behind him, dragging his belly. Captain however had a leaders streak. Shocking considering his namesake! Captain, given any opportunity will assert himself among the litter. He loves to be the boss with the other dogs, and his alpha comes out. He’s a born leader!!! He’s a sweet cuddly bear with people, and the head honcho on site with the litter. All 6 boys in this litter are all cuddly sweet and easy going. However, he and his brother Iron Man are the 2 who stand out and display more alpha tendencies. They’re quite the pair! Today Captain weighs 4lbs 12oz. |
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Lommatsch Family in MT Previous Call Name: 'Gamora' from the Avengers Litter! 5-20-18: This sweet girl has done a lot of changing these last couple weeks. Gamora used to be very demanding, now she’s an opportunist. When she sees an opening to get attention from you through the sea of the other 11, she takes it. She makes herself available for attention whenever you want it. She used to be somewhat of a bully and very alpha. Her sisters Nebula and Scarlett Witch have now assumed those roles so they’ve taught Gamora you can’t just run around being a turd. Gamora now just loves to play, very much loves to wrestle and is very brave and wants to explore. However, she is a natural leader and does not hesitate to assert herself in a situation that needs it. She’s rowdy, happy, snuggly and goofy... she’s a wonderful little girl and a laugh a minute! Today Gamora is 3lbs 15 oz. |
DOB: 4-6-18 Sire: Brazen Dam: Winnie Current Home: with the Bray family in ID! Previous Call Name: 'Thor' from the Avengers litter! 5-20-18:Still one of my favorites! Baby Thor is always easy to pick out from the group because he is the only light colored sandy blonde! What a handsome baby! Not only does he have long luxurious locks, his face is to die for. He’s maintained that sweet babydoll face, huge eyes, round forehead and square, short little muzzle. Just like his namesake, this Thor is a heart throb! His personality is just as dreamy. Thor remains cool, calm and collected. He never starts fights, he’s not clingy but not a lone wolf. He loves attention and affection but is secure enough with himself to chill on his own, explore new things. He’s one of the smaller boys, but that never stops him. He refuses to get pushed around, when his sister Scarlett Witch picks on him, he stands his ground (even though it’s from his back on the bottom). Today Thor weighs 3lbs 12oz. |
'Baby Groot'
DOB: 5-12-2017 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Wohler Family in ID! Previous Call Name: 'Onyx' from our Gemstones litter! 6-23-17: Today at his first Dr. visit for first exam and vaccines, Onyx weighed 5lbs 8 oz. Dr. Wardwell gave him a great clean bill of health. Onyx's personality has come a long way in a week. He's no longer the nervous guy and enjoys exploring and following the kids around. He loves to get your attention with little bark, then run around in circles to entice you into play! He's still super fuzzy and a nice shade of red. He's gained confidence and a little sass. He's great as far as right down the middle as far as hierarchy in the litter, sometimes he plays on top, and sometimes on bottom. This kiddo is lively, spunky loves affection, he's a huge cuddler! |
DOB: 5-12-2017 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Close Family in Virginia! Previous Call Name: 'Jasper' from our Gemstone litter! Moose went to his forever home with a repeat family that adopted another poodle baby of mine in 2014. Mr. Moose has his own Instagram page, follow him @ life.of.moose.the.poodle, he's a hoot! 7-2-17: Little Jasper is not so little anymore! He weighed in at 7lbs 10oz today! This baby is coming into his own and is so happy and confidant, loves to play and loves the water. (continued below) He'll spend hours running back and forth through the sprinkler and just discovered a waterfall this weekend in a friends backyard and couldn't contain himself! He finds joy in everything, he follows the kids around licking and pouncing on them, he loves his Aunts Izzy and Winnie and his favorite game of tug-o-war is so much more fun when Aunt Winnie is swinging you around by the tail of your favorite stuffed animal. Jasper is so charismatic and genuine. He never hides, shy's away or refuses to take part in anything. He wants to be where you are! Your constant companion! He's our little imp, that can always make you smile, laugh and forget about anything when you get lost in those baby blues! |
DOB: 5-12-2017 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Gaines Family in ID! Previous Call Name: 'Topaz' from our Gemstone litter! 6-23-17: 6 weeks old and 5lbs at his first vet visit for an exam and vaccines, where Dr. Wardwell gave Topaz a clean bill of health! Mr. Topaz has impressed me so much over this week with his personality developments. He is quite the character now, he loves to get your attention and lick your face, hands, arms and whatever he can get to, he's so wiggly I cant even stand how cute it is, he loves people so much and follows my daughter around like they're BFF's! Topaz loves to play with his siblings and run circles around them with a toy in his mouth, then drop it and run around some more. If he sees a person, he's the first one there for affection, besides maybe Ruby! Topaz is a very happy and content puppy. He's very smart and comes when called never misses an opportunity for a polite snuggle! He's so charismatic! |
DOB: 5-12-2017 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Livermore Family in UT! Previous Call Name: 'Quartz', from our Gemstone litter! 7-2-17: Little Quartz could not be a more egaging, charming and enthusiastic puppy! He wants to be wherever you are, doing whatever it is that you're doing. He's smart, inquisitive and very sprightly! He has an amazing zest for life and is fearless. I watch him everyday blossom more and more into his own comfort zone, and his surroundings. He is dashing yet gentle, eager yet tender, adventurous yet laid back and he maintains his 'jack of all temperaments' nickname and whatever is going on in the moment, that's this boy! Because of that, often I refer to him with a new nickname, "Jack"! As you can see, he's a fool for the water! He loves the sprinkler, the kiddie pool and the waterfall! He makes the best out of any situations, finds the silver lining on any cloud, and in my opinion, makes him the best kind of dog! |
DOB: 5-12-2017 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Younger Family in OR Previous Call Name: 'Ruby' from our Gemstone litter 6-23-17: Sweet Ruby loved Dr. Wardwell today at her 1st vet visit for exam and vaccines (but really, you can't find anyone Ruby won't like). Her little tail just about propeled her off the table she was so excited to kiss him and try to fit in his pocket! Ruby was 100% healthy and weighed 5lbs 2oz today. She has the most beautiful eyes and is a very curious girl. She'll follow you everywhere and of the 3 girls, is the most willing to join in whatever is happening without hesitation. She is fearless, loveable, inquisitive and has a beautiful zest for life. She's patient, cuddly and beautiful! |
DOB: 5-12-2017 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Kneib family in OR Previous Call Name: 'Garnet' from our Gemstone litter! 7-2-17: Garnet, I now have lovingly nicknamed the little 'Simba' of the litter! This sweet boy reminds me so much of the lion cub on Disney's Lion King (if he was a dog) no joke! This baby is lively, brave and tenacious. He finds adventure in everything, is fearless and wears his big boy pants all the time no matter what he encounters. Garnet is sassy when he plays, loving when he cuddles and top dog of the litter along with big brother Jasper. Nothing gets him down, he'll stand up to anything and he'll find the comedy in everything. He's bold and confident and loves making new friends. He's our 'Simba' - Lion Hearted! |
DOB: 5-12-2017 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Shirey family in WA Previous Call Name: 'Pearl' from our Gemstone litter! 6-23-17: Today at her 1st vet visit for exam and vaccine Pearl weighed in at 5lbs 6oz. Miss Pearl Girl couldn't be more chill if I asked her. She loves to relax and snuggle and occasionally pulls the 'lone wolf' card. Pearl is not afraid to be alone, she's comfortable and confidant. But, she of course still loves attention and affection, she just doesn't need it to feel secure like some of the babies. She's wonderful, happy and a very brave girl! |
'Emerald Louise'
DOB: 5-12-2017 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Iversen family in WA Previous Call Name: Emerald, from our Gemstone litter! Miss Emmy Lou was lucky enough to stay 'in the family'. She was adopted by a family who's relatives adopted another puppy from me in 2014! Miss Maizie (in the picture to the left) was from my 2015 'Peanuts Gang' litter! Maizie and Emmy have the same daddy, 'Brazen'! 6-23-17: Her first vet visit for exam and vaccines and Emmy Lou Who' weighed 5lbs even. Emmy's color is amazing, she's a classic apricot with almost blonde look highlights throughout her coat. Emmy is such sweet and sensitive soul. She's become more tender hearted over the last week and loves to be cuddles and doted on. She still loves to play and bounce around, but more than anything wants to be snuggled. |
*DOB: 8-17-16 *Sire: Brazen *Dam: Annie *Current Home: with the Rinta family in CA *Previous Call Name: Skittles *Out of our 'Candy' Litter 9-25-16: Not much change in this kid in the last week. Still happy, adventurous and loves to play! He's not too shy and not to hyper, he's Goldilocks favorite 'just right' kind of guy! |
DOB: 8-17-16 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with Cheryl in ID! Previous Call Name: Jelly Belly - out of our 'Candy' themed litter. 9-25-16: Not much has changed with this girl either in the last weeks, right around this age, updates get a little less descriptive because the puppies have plateaued in what their demeanor is like. She's still a calm, loving well rounded girl who loves to play and be cuddled. Her new family drove down from Sandpoint ID to pick her up today and take her home to introduce her to the snow! |
DOB: 8-17-16 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Harrington Family in NC! Previous Call Name: 'Dots' from out 'Candy' themed litter! 9-25-16: Sweet little Dots is still the lazy little doggy she's always been. She was so relaxed in the pictures that I couldn't even get her to stand up! She army crawled to all of her toys. She's a very curious girl and follows you wherever you go and is the first to come when called, but once she's where she wants to be, it's tummy rubbin' time! She flew in a plane into the open arms of her new family and their furry pack of pooches! |
"Liza Jane"
DOB: 8-17-16 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Fouts Family in MT! Previous Call Name: "Laffy Taffy" - from our 'Candy' themed litter. 9-25-16: Still the same little fire cracker as before, Laffy is holding steady with her comical happy attitude. Loves children, adults and dogs alike and spreads the love everywhere. Doesn't hesitate and not too hyper, less vocal nowadays but still a bundle of love! What a good girl! Liza went home with Gail to MT today to meet her new big brother, another Standard named Sparky! |
"Sir Maximus"
DOB: 8-17-16 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home: with the Largent Family in AZ Previous Call Name: "Big Hunk" from our 'Candy' themed litter! 9-25-16: Still a wonderfully well rounded puppy. Loves people, loves to play and loves to do whatever you're doing! The only change that I've seen in Hunk lately is that he's getting a little more rambunctious in his play habits! He's definitely like to play with vigor! |
DOB: 8-17-16 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home with the Menssen Family in UT! Previous Call Name: "Gummy Bear" from our 'Candy' themed litter! 9-25-16: This puppy has changed the most in the last week! No longer is he the cry baby of the litter! No more fits or running to mom! Gummy LOVES people and especially children! He comes when called (even if it's not him you're calling) he loves to cuddle and play with toys and is extremely well mannered. He's calm and reserved, but is very polite when he plays! I'm so proud of this puppy! |
"Dixie" DOB: 8-17-16 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current Home with Teresa in OR! Previous Call Name: "Pixy Stix" from our 'Candy' themed litter! 10-13-16: What a happy and outgoing little girl! Her sassy nature has turned into wiggles and kisses and just wanting to please. She wants to be with you no matter what and is the bravest girl in the litter, she'll venture out and explore anything. What a great puppy! |
DOB: 8-17-16 Sire: Brazen Dam: Annie Current home: with Helmick Family in FL! Previous Call Name: "Tootsie Roll" from out 'Candy' themed litter! 10-13-16: What a happy go lucky girl she is! Always up for fun, loves to cuddle and is very polite with her affection. This little girl loves to play and enjoys any kind of company, as long as she can sit in your lap, she's happy! |

*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Finley family in Idaho!
*Previous Call Name: 'Snoopy' - blue ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' Litter!
11-25-16 Alicia writes: "An update on on Tex: We are so thankful to have such a wonderful puppy. We were thrilled to take him on many fall hikes and he did great! He enjoyed exploring but stayed right close to us on the trail, even when unleashed, and periodically checked up on each family member. It was just what we were hoping for in a family dog! Now that winter has started to set in, he is enjoying playing in the snow. Good thing he likes it b/c we sure get a lot here. He got his first big haircut a couple weeks ago and we hardly recognized him! We miss the long shag but the shorter cut will be easier upkeep with all the snow we get here. We've also started obedience training and he is doing well with his commands so far. He loves to play with other dogs (even those who don't want to play with him) and we've been doing weekly puppy play dates with some friends. Thank you for giving us such a great addition to our family. "
*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Finley family in Idaho!
*Previous Call Name: 'Snoopy' - blue ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' Litter!
11-25-16 Alicia writes: "An update on on Tex: We are so thankful to have such a wonderful puppy. We were thrilled to take him on many fall hikes and he did great! He enjoyed exploring but stayed right close to us on the trail, even when unleashed, and periodically checked up on each family member. It was just what we were hoping for in a family dog! Now that winter has started to set in, he is enjoying playing in the snow. Good thing he likes it b/c we sure get a lot here. He got his first big haircut a couple weeks ago and we hardly recognized him! We miss the long shag but the shorter cut will be easier upkeep with all the snow we get here. We've also started obedience training and he is doing well with his commands so far. He loves to play with other dogs (even those who don't want to play with him) and we've been doing weekly puppy play dates with some friends. Thank you for giving us such a great addition to our family. "

*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Gamble family in Washington !
*Previous Call Name: "Lucy" - pink ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' Litter!
1-12-16 Jessica writes: "Hello Megan!! I hope the holiday season went okay for you. You and Izzy have been on our minds a lot since we heard about Kayenne. I'm so sorry for your loss!!!!! I know how much you loved her and we were so lucky to have met her, pet her, and play with her just a little bit when we picked up our sweet Rosey from you. Meeting and seeing her as an adult standard poodle made me even more confident that day that I was making the right choice for our family pet! She was lovely, listened amazingly, and was tender and gentle with everything she did. I feel very blessed to have one of her babies! And speaking off...Rosey is doing amazing!!! She is my tag-a-long buddy and goes everywhere with me. She's graduated from basic obedience (and in my opinion was the best in class!) and we are looking into more classes as she loves to learn and is so smart that we are convinced she can learn anything! Even my husband kisses her 'goodbye' when he leaves for work and I NEVER thought I'd see the day that he would kiss a dog! He just was never that kinda guy until Rosey won over his heart. :)"
8-29-15: The first report card has come in for 'Rosey' and her new family! Jessica writes: "Just wanted to let you know that the little one is doing great and adjusting to us very quickly! We haven't even had a single potty accident inside yet! She's the perfect little puppy."
*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Gamble family in Washington !
*Previous Call Name: "Lucy" - pink ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' Litter!
1-12-16 Jessica writes: "Hello Megan!! I hope the holiday season went okay for you. You and Izzy have been on our minds a lot since we heard about Kayenne. I'm so sorry for your loss!!!!! I know how much you loved her and we were so lucky to have met her, pet her, and play with her just a little bit when we picked up our sweet Rosey from you. Meeting and seeing her as an adult standard poodle made me even more confident that day that I was making the right choice for our family pet! She was lovely, listened amazingly, and was tender and gentle with everything she did. I feel very blessed to have one of her babies! And speaking off...Rosey is doing amazing!!! She is my tag-a-long buddy and goes everywhere with me. She's graduated from basic obedience (and in my opinion was the best in class!) and we are looking into more classes as she loves to learn and is so smart that we are convinced she can learn anything! Even my husband kisses her 'goodbye' when he leaves for work and I NEVER thought I'd see the day that he would kiss a dog! He just was never that kinda guy until Rosey won over his heart. :)"
8-29-15: The first report card has come in for 'Rosey' and her new family! Jessica writes: "Just wanted to let you know that the little one is doing great and adjusting to us very quickly! We haven't even had a single potty accident inside yet! She's the perfect little puppy."

*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Hart family in Washington !
*Previous Call Name: "Sally" - orange ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' litter!
11-18-2015 Darrell writes: Megan, Here is an update pic after her second trip to the groomers. She has her good days and bad days; today was one of the latter. We spent fifteen minutes standing still in the rain on her afternoon walk because she decided that she wasn't going to behave. Really stubborn but then so am I and in the end she sat, got petted, and we moved on but it can sure be frustrating. She weighs about thirty pounds already and is only 4 1/2 months old. Cheers, Darrell
8-20-15: Sally is such a great little puppy. She's independent yet happy and friendly. She loves to play and be around people but doesn't mind at all being by herself. She's so easy going is the first to get up and greet you and loves to partake in any kind of activity or adventure. She's such a good little girl.
*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Hart family in Washington !
*Previous Call Name: "Sally" - orange ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' litter!
11-18-2015 Darrell writes: Megan, Here is an update pic after her second trip to the groomers. She has her good days and bad days; today was one of the latter. We spent fifteen minutes standing still in the rain on her afternoon walk because she decided that she wasn't going to behave. Really stubborn but then so am I and in the end she sat, got petted, and we moved on but it can sure be frustrating. She weighs about thirty pounds already and is only 4 1/2 months old. Cheers, Darrell
8-20-15: Sally is such a great little puppy. She's independent yet happy and friendly. She loves to play and be around people but doesn't mind at all being by herself. She's so easy going is the first to get up and greet you and loves to partake in any kind of activity or adventure. She's such a good little girl.

*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with Patty A. in Washington !
*Previous Call Name: 'Peppermint Patty' - purple ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' litter!
8-21-15: The first report card is in for 'Sheridan' and her new family! Patsy writes: "She is doing great. She slept through the night! Right now she is running around my classroom looking for trouble. We are really loving having her. She is getting awfully spoiled."
8-10-15: Patty went home with her new family today in Spokane WA! Good luck with your new family little girl! We love you!
*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with Patty A. in Washington !
*Previous Call Name: 'Peppermint Patty' - purple ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' litter!
8-21-15: The first report card is in for 'Sheridan' and her new family! Patsy writes: "She is doing great. She slept through the night! Right now she is running around my classroom looking for trouble. We are really loving having her. She is getting awfully spoiled."
8-10-15: Patty went home with her new family today in Spokane WA! Good luck with your new family little girl! We love you!

*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Wilson Family in Idaho !
*Previous Call Name: 'Linus' - red ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' litter!
10-5-2015 Gidianny writes: "Megan! Moab is doing great! He has already gone on 2 hikes with us, one in Boise and the other in the Tetons, and did great (he also liked riding in our backpack).
He has also made friends with lots of other dogs (big and small), including another poodle. For some reason he gets nervous around big dogs but then he gets really comfortable with them within a couple minutes. We've been trying to get him socialized as much as possible; just a few minutes ago he made friends with a mastiff, and this weekend with a great pyranese and a Australian shepherd mix puppy. :) Thursday he got his 13 weeks shots and scheduled him to get neutered on the 27th this month. His vet gave him a thumbs up and said we can start increasing his food consumption to 1 cup 3 times a day.
He's a smart and obedient puppy. He's potty trained, crate trained, and so far he's quick to sit, lay, stay, and come. He's really food-motivated so it's really been easy training him. He's a sweetheart and has really become attached to us as his "parents". He's got a mellow personality and sleeps quite a bit. We are in love with him! On a side note, we think he's got a great instinctive nose and prey drive. He naturally points like a pointer and then commences to slowly stalk his "prey". We're thinking of developing his natural talent in the future when he's a little older. Thank you for the perfect companion! He fits us like a glove! The Wilson's, Brett and Gidianny "
8-20-15: Still as cute as a bug! Linus is growing like a champ but still about half the size of everyone else! But that doesn't stop him! He's still sweet, friendly, easy going and always optimistic! He's starting to get more frisky but retains his gentlemanly demeanor. What a doll. He loves to give kisses, be held and brushed, and will follow you anywhere.
*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Wilson Family in Idaho !
*Previous Call Name: 'Linus' - red ribbon
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' litter!
10-5-2015 Gidianny writes: "Megan! Moab is doing great! He has already gone on 2 hikes with us, one in Boise and the other in the Tetons, and did great (he also liked riding in our backpack).
He has also made friends with lots of other dogs (big and small), including another poodle. For some reason he gets nervous around big dogs but then he gets really comfortable with them within a couple minutes. We've been trying to get him socialized as much as possible; just a few minutes ago he made friends with a mastiff, and this weekend with a great pyranese and a Australian shepherd mix puppy. :) Thursday he got his 13 weeks shots and scheduled him to get neutered on the 27th this month. His vet gave him a thumbs up and said we can start increasing his food consumption to 1 cup 3 times a day.
He's a smart and obedient puppy. He's potty trained, crate trained, and so far he's quick to sit, lay, stay, and come. He's really food-motivated so it's really been easy training him. He's a sweetheart and has really become attached to us as his "parents". He's got a mellow personality and sleeps quite a bit. We are in love with him! On a side note, we think he's got a great instinctive nose and prey drive. He naturally points like a pointer and then commences to slowly stalk his "prey". We're thinking of developing his natural talent in the future when he's a little older. Thank you for the perfect companion! He fits us like a glove! The Wilson's, Brett and Gidianny "
8-20-15: Still as cute as a bug! Linus is growing like a champ but still about half the size of everyone else! But that doesn't stop him! He's still sweet, friendly, easy going and always optimistic! He's starting to get more frisky but retains his gentlemanly demeanor. What a doll. He loves to give kisses, be held and brushed, and will follow you anywhere.

*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with Cory in Idaho!
*Previous Call Name: 'Charlie Brown'
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' Litter!
8-30-15: The first report card has come in for 'Roscoe' from his new dad. Cory writes: "He did really great fetching today. This morning I finally got him to go through the dog doors, progress is working. The first night was good. He seemed a little nervous, he laid in bed with me and watched a movie then I put him in his kennel and he only cried for about 30 seconds. After about 30 minutes of fetch though, he's out!"

*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Snow Family in Oklahoma!
*Previous Call Name: 'Pig Pen'
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' Litter!
8-20-15: Pig Pen is still a huge people puppy! He loves to be around you no matter what you're doing. He's the biggest puppy in the litter and an amazing apricot color. He is so handsome and is going to grow up to be a great looking dog. He's proud, friendly, and curious. He loves to bark, play, romp and chase. He's active, but also loves to sit with you and have one on one attention. He loves his toys and never has a dull moment.
*DOB: 6-26-15
*Sire: Brazen
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with the Snow Family in Oklahoma!
*Previous Call Name: 'Pig Pen'
*Out of our 'Peanuts Gang' Litter!
8-20-15: Pig Pen is still a huge people puppy! He loves to be around you no matter what you're doing. He's the biggest puppy in the litter and an amazing apricot color. He is so handsome and is going to grow up to be a great looking dog. He's proud, friendly, and curious. He loves to bark, play, romp and chase. He's active, but also loves to sit with you and have one on one attention. He loves his toys and never has a dull moment.

DOB: 6-26-15
Sire: Brazen
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Morton Family in Oregon!
Previous Call Name: 'Violet'
8-25-15: The first report card has come in for 'Lucy' from her new family! Laura writes: "She was so good her first night! She slept with us to keep the crying down and didn't cry at all. She woke up a few times to play and then right back to sleep. Today she rides on my lap, doesn't cry, sleeps and plays a little. Best dog ever!!! I think she knows she is where she is meant to be! Thank you so much!"
DOB: 6-26-15
Sire: Brazen
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Morton Family in Oregon!
Previous Call Name: 'Violet'
8-25-15: The first report card has come in for 'Lucy' from her new family! Laura writes: "She was so good her first night! She slept with us to keep the crying down and didn't cry at all. She woke up a few times to play and then right back to sleep. Today she rides on my lap, doesn't cry, sleeps and plays a little. Best dog ever!!! I think she knows she is where she is meant to be! Thank you so much!"

DOB: 6-26-15
Sire: Brazen
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Valentine Family in Oregon!
Previous Call Name: 'Marcie
8-22-15: The first report card has come in for Miss Kali from her new mom! Tammy writes: "Our little passenger has adjusted really well. She has had water, food, played with toys and did potty at the rest area...I'm really thrilled with her! Kali is an amazing puppy!!! I love her and we are getting along very well here. Leo is sweet with her. Sometimes he plays a little rough, but he stops when I tell him to. She is doing as well as can be expected with potty-training, it's a process and I'm totally patient about it. I have my system and she's really doing well with it. She loves sleeping in our bed at night, it's a riot! She snuggles us and goes off to dreamland. She will wake me up if she needs to go potty and then goes back to sleep. She is absolutely gorgeous! And her personality is adorable and hilarious. She is quite a character and just what I wanted!!!! Thanks, Megan, for everything."
DOB: 6-26-15
Sire: Brazen
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Valentine Family in Oregon!
Previous Call Name: 'Marcie
8-22-15: The first report card has come in for Miss Kali from her new mom! Tammy writes: "Our little passenger has adjusted really well. She has had water, food, played with toys and did potty at the rest area...I'm really thrilled with her! Kali is an amazing puppy!!! I love her and we are getting along very well here. Leo is sweet with her. Sometimes he plays a little rough, but he stops when I tell him to. She is doing as well as can be expected with potty-training, it's a process and I'm totally patient about it. I have my system and she's really doing well with it. She loves sleeping in our bed at night, it's a riot! She snuggles us and goes off to dreamland. She will wake me up if she needs to go potty and then goes back to sleep. She is absolutely gorgeous! And her personality is adorable and hilarious. She is quite a character and just what I wanted!!!! Thanks, Megan, for everything."
DOB: 6-26-15 Sire: Brazen Dam: Kayenne Current Home: with the Kukoski Family in Idaho! Previous Call Name: 'Peanut' 8-29-15: Christina writes: "Hi Megan! Miss Mazie is getting so big! She weighs 9lbs and is getting some long legs. We are having fun getting to know her! She's made a friend, a Labradoodle. And has a blast playing with im and holds nothing back! She's had 2 nights of sleeping 6 hours, yay! Thank you so much for a great puppy!" |

DOB: 5-25-14
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Edgar family in OR
Previous Call Name: 'Freedom'
7-26-14 Good afternoon Megan, We are really enjoying Lexus. She is sure a delight She has certainty made herself at home. She is a major chowhound always looking for more food. She has adopted Wes as her go to. Potty training is coming along. Bentley and Lexus are inseparable. They go really her along
great, Bentley is so gentle with her, and she can be very aggressively him.
We hope to go traveling next week with both of them. Their first trip altogether in the motorhomes. Hope we return with it in one piece. -Glennis
7-19-14: "Good evening Megan, Lexus is absolutely charming. She's not afraid of anybody or anything. She has already gone to the door and sounded off when she wants in or out. She really is a chow hound . We are really enjoying her. We didn't tell you about our year old English cream golden retriever. His name is Bentley and they were instantly bonded. They play ever waking moment. Bentley is so very gentle with her and lets her bite and romp all over him. I think that she will be the dominant one. We are really enjoying the both of them. We took Lexus to the vet and she is in excellent health. Again thanks so much for our little Lexus." Glennis and Wes
7-12-14: 'Lexus' thrilled her new family today when she showed them how accepting she is of change and adaptable to new surroundings. 'Lexus' is preparing for a life dedicated to her new mom and dad, romping on Oregon acreage, vacations in the R.V., playing with new dog cousins, and meeting new friends. She received an A+ on the hour long drive to her new home with no accidents, crying or car sickness. As you can see from her picture, nothing really phases her, and she's catching up on her beauty sleep so she can be alert for life on the open road! Thank you Edgar family for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: Freedom is another all around A+ puppy. She's happy and playful, loves to chase, run and be chased! She loved the sprinkler today and has become very adventurous. She has a very open mind and as long as you're doing it, she'll give it a try! She's very ambitious, and affectionate. Occasionally she can be apprehensive, but, stand by her side and she'll be ok. This little girl is still all about the PEOPLE! She wants LOVE.
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Edgar family in OR
Previous Call Name: 'Freedom'
7-26-14 Good afternoon Megan, We are really enjoying Lexus. She is sure a delight She has certainty made herself at home. She is a major chowhound always looking for more food. She has adopted Wes as her go to. Potty training is coming along. Bentley and Lexus are inseparable. They go really her along
great, Bentley is so gentle with her, and she can be very aggressively him.
We hope to go traveling next week with both of them. Their first trip altogether in the motorhomes. Hope we return with it in one piece. -Glennis
7-19-14: "Good evening Megan, Lexus is absolutely charming. She's not afraid of anybody or anything. She has already gone to the door and sounded off when she wants in or out. She really is a chow hound . We are really enjoying her. We didn't tell you about our year old English cream golden retriever. His name is Bentley and they were instantly bonded. They play ever waking moment. Bentley is so very gentle with her and lets her bite and romp all over him. I think that she will be the dominant one. We are really enjoying the both of them. We took Lexus to the vet and she is in excellent health. Again thanks so much for our little Lexus." Glennis and Wes
7-12-14: 'Lexus' thrilled her new family today when she showed them how accepting she is of change and adaptable to new surroundings. 'Lexus' is preparing for a life dedicated to her new mom and dad, romping on Oregon acreage, vacations in the R.V., playing with new dog cousins, and meeting new friends. She received an A+ on the hour long drive to her new home with no accidents, crying or car sickness. As you can see from her picture, nothing really phases her, and she's catching up on her beauty sleep so she can be alert for life on the open road! Thank you Edgar family for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: Freedom is another all around A+ puppy. She's happy and playful, loves to chase, run and be chased! She loved the sprinkler today and has become very adventurous. She has a very open mind and as long as you're doing it, she'll give it a try! She's very ambitious, and affectionate. Occasionally she can be apprehensive, but, stand by her side and she'll be ok. This little girl is still all about the PEOPLE! She wants LOVE.

DOB: 5-25-14
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Mountjoy family in WA
Previous Call Name: 'Patriot'
On 7-18-14 Christi writes: "Things are going very well. My husband has named him Trapper. He and Pickles have become very good buddies! Lots of playing etc. I think it took Pickles a while to figure out what to do with a baby as he hasn’t been around one before. Pepper has adjusted very quickly. He’s a pretty smart little guy. He’s not potty trained as Pickles was, but it’s coming along well. You were right on about his confidence level and outgoing personality. He had his first visit with my vet and was proclaimed to be very healthy! We’re very happy that we decided on him. He’s fitting in well with everyone." -Christi
On 7-13-14 Christi writes:" Hi, Just wanted you to know that we made it home safely. Puppy did great---not a peep—no accidents—no car sickness! The introduction to Pickles and Lilly went well. Lilly is treating him like one of her own pups. He keeps trying to nurse---but Lilly lets him know that’s not going to happen! He’s taking the hint! Pickles is very curious, but a bit wary. He’s not sure what to make of puppy yet. Puppy tries to play and Pickles seems to want to, but isn’t sure because puppy is so little. My husband thinks puppy is great! I think with a bit of time for adjustment, all will be great. Puppy woke up once last night to go potty---no accidents in his crate. Puppy has made himself right at home, Pickles is the one who needs adjustment time. Puppy is still nameless, but we’re considering several. I’ll let you know when we settle on something. " -Christi
7-12-14: Little Patriot met his new family today. Christi and I re-united from our last puppy visit when she adopted 'Pickles', a puppy from our last litter. Today, she added another addition to take home and be a part of the family. I not only got to see Christi again, but also her daughter Kerri and her grandson Eli who accompanied her on her puppy trip again this year. Little 'Patriot' showed his true colors as he sat back very calm and collected and took in his new surroundings. He's been introduced to 'Pickles', who's not quite sure what to make of him yet, and 'Lilly' a veteran Otterhound who helped raise 'Pickles' into the gentlemen of an adult he is today. Well, now 'Lilly' has a new pupil, 'Pickles' set the bar pretty high, but I think 'Patriot' is up to the challenge! Thank you Mountjoy family for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: This puppy has pretty much the same report card as last week. A+!! He's chill, relaxed and carefree, Hakuna Matata! Hes a fun loving spunky guy with a sweet side, but is not afraid to be alone. I think this baby will be pretty easy to crate train. If he keeps this personality I think that, when he gets older and even more secure with himself, he'd make a great therapy dog, introductory dog, or shoulder to lean on for a dog who's a little apprehensive.
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Mountjoy family in WA
Previous Call Name: 'Patriot'
On 7-18-14 Christi writes: "Things are going very well. My husband has named him Trapper. He and Pickles have become very good buddies! Lots of playing etc. I think it took Pickles a while to figure out what to do with a baby as he hasn’t been around one before. Pepper has adjusted very quickly. He’s a pretty smart little guy. He’s not potty trained as Pickles was, but it’s coming along well. You were right on about his confidence level and outgoing personality. He had his first visit with my vet and was proclaimed to be very healthy! We’re very happy that we decided on him. He’s fitting in well with everyone." -Christi
On 7-13-14 Christi writes:" Hi, Just wanted you to know that we made it home safely. Puppy did great---not a peep—no accidents—no car sickness! The introduction to Pickles and Lilly went well. Lilly is treating him like one of her own pups. He keeps trying to nurse---but Lilly lets him know that’s not going to happen! He’s taking the hint! Pickles is very curious, but a bit wary. He’s not sure what to make of puppy yet. Puppy tries to play and Pickles seems to want to, but isn’t sure because puppy is so little. My husband thinks puppy is great! I think with a bit of time for adjustment, all will be great. Puppy woke up once last night to go potty---no accidents in his crate. Puppy has made himself right at home, Pickles is the one who needs adjustment time. Puppy is still nameless, but we’re considering several. I’ll let you know when we settle on something. " -Christi
7-12-14: Little Patriot met his new family today. Christi and I re-united from our last puppy visit when she adopted 'Pickles', a puppy from our last litter. Today, she added another addition to take home and be a part of the family. I not only got to see Christi again, but also her daughter Kerri and her grandson Eli who accompanied her on her puppy trip again this year. Little 'Patriot' showed his true colors as he sat back very calm and collected and took in his new surroundings. He's been introduced to 'Pickles', who's not quite sure what to make of him yet, and 'Lilly' a veteran Otterhound who helped raise 'Pickles' into the gentlemen of an adult he is today. Well, now 'Lilly' has a new pupil, 'Pickles' set the bar pretty high, but I think 'Patriot' is up to the challenge! Thank you Mountjoy family for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: This puppy has pretty much the same report card as last week. A+!! He's chill, relaxed and carefree, Hakuna Matata! Hes a fun loving spunky guy with a sweet side, but is not afraid to be alone. I think this baby will be pretty easy to crate train. If he keeps this personality I think that, when he gets older and even more secure with himself, he'd make a great therapy dog, introductory dog, or shoulder to lean on for a dog who's a little apprehensive.

DOB: 5-25-14
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Schoonmaker Family in Alabama
Previous Call Name: 'Soldier'
On 7-18-14 Kristy writes: Here is some pictures of Lego! By the way I am really changing how a lot of people feel about
poodles... Before Lego got here everyone kept telling me how ugly they were and it was such a waste of money now everyone who sees him wants to know where I got him and can't believe how cute he is... They keep saying he looks like a teddy bear! We just love him especially my husband!! -Kristy
7-12-14: Finally, on July 12th 2014, the Schoonmaker family welcomed home the puppy they have been waiting over 2years for!Little Lego is going to have a life fully of play, excitement and love with 3 boys and a little girl to call him their own. Running and playing in the hot Alabama weather, 'Lego' is ready to show everyone how creative he can get with a sprinkler! Mr. & Mrs. Schoonmaker are going to have their hands full! But in a good way ;) Thank you Schoonmakers for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: What an affectionate and forgiving puppy. He still loves to hang with you, and do whatever you're doing, a little furry shadow. He loves attention and seeks you out to get some. He's forgiving in that ,if he accidentally gets stepped on, scared, or anything unexpected happens, he's quick to get over it. He doesn't dwell. He loves to engage in play and jump and hop around, but is also ok with just laying around being lazy. I think all of these traits will make him easy to train because his favorite reward is affection.
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Schoonmaker Family in Alabama
Previous Call Name: 'Soldier'
On 7-18-14 Kristy writes: Here is some pictures of Lego! By the way I am really changing how a lot of people feel about
poodles... Before Lego got here everyone kept telling me how ugly they were and it was such a waste of money now everyone who sees him wants to know where I got him and can't believe how cute he is... They keep saying he looks like a teddy bear! We just love him especially my husband!! -Kristy
7-12-14: Finally, on July 12th 2014, the Schoonmaker family welcomed home the puppy they have been waiting over 2years for!Little Lego is going to have a life fully of play, excitement and love with 3 boys and a little girl to call him their own. Running and playing in the hot Alabama weather, 'Lego' is ready to show everyone how creative he can get with a sprinkler! Mr. & Mrs. Schoonmaker are going to have their hands full! But in a good way ;) Thank you Schoonmakers for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: What an affectionate and forgiving puppy. He still loves to hang with you, and do whatever you're doing, a little furry shadow. He loves attention and seeks you out to get some. He's forgiving in that ,if he accidentally gets stepped on, scared, or anything unexpected happens, he's quick to get over it. He doesn't dwell. He loves to engage in play and jump and hop around, but is also ok with just laying around being lazy. I think all of these traits will make him easy to train because his favorite reward is affection.

DOB: 5-25-14
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Bateman Family in N.C.
Previous Call Name: 'Glory'!
On 7-29-14 Hessy writes: "Glory is getting quite leggy now. Her crate training and house breaking is going very well. She is starting to hold her pee all night on a regular basis. She loves to chew right now as teething is happening but she is being good and sticking with her chew toys and special blankie. Adding a priceless pick of glory curled up napping with my one year old. They are too cute!"
On 7-13-14 Hessy writes: "My daughter adores her. Glory is spoiled already she slept in my daughters bed with her last night and we have had no issues with her whining or howling. She is a great little girl. We can tell she has been loved. We did a small temperament test with her and her scores indicated she was loving, willing to please, playful, somewhat dominant and curious. Mostly threes which was the best even well balanced pup number for the test. She definitely matches what we wanted. Her color is beautiful and her ears, head set and eyes appear to be good. I think the short tail would be our only concern as long as health check at vet goes well. We love Glory and it is a perfect match she sure is a lot of fun!"
On 7-12-14 as soon as her plane landed, Hessy writes: "We love her!!!!! My daughter adores her!!! So many kisses n so happy to see us. She came straight out to my daughter. Tail wagging n licking. It's now 9pm our time and Glory is finally eating her food and has drank water bowl empty
twice. She laid around the rest of the afternoon. Guess she was tired after the long flight. Will let you know how she is tomorrow."
7-12 -14: Glory landed in North Carolina this afternoon into the loving arms of her new owner and best friend! They loved each other instantly and are going to have loads of fun. They're already preparing for a life competing in AKC dog shows. Look out everyone, we may just have the new 'Heidi Klum' of doggie supermodels on our hands! Good luck to they dynamic duo, knock em' dead! Thank you Bateman family for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: What a beautiful, yet assertive personality this puppy has. She enjoys activities, play, her toys and her siblings but still maintains her alpha female status. She always has the upper hand in play and rarely backs down. She knows what she wants and goes for it, she likes to be the leader, but also loves affection. She's still very handsy and loves to box! She driven and dedicated and I think would make a great working dog.
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Bateman Family in N.C.
Previous Call Name: 'Glory'!
On 7-29-14 Hessy writes: "Glory is getting quite leggy now. Her crate training and house breaking is going very well. She is starting to hold her pee all night on a regular basis. She loves to chew right now as teething is happening but she is being good and sticking with her chew toys and special blankie. Adding a priceless pick of glory curled up napping with my one year old. They are too cute!"
On 7-13-14 Hessy writes: "My daughter adores her. Glory is spoiled already she slept in my daughters bed with her last night and we have had no issues with her whining or howling. She is a great little girl. We can tell she has been loved. We did a small temperament test with her and her scores indicated she was loving, willing to please, playful, somewhat dominant and curious. Mostly threes which was the best even well balanced pup number for the test. She definitely matches what we wanted. Her color is beautiful and her ears, head set and eyes appear to be good. I think the short tail would be our only concern as long as health check at vet goes well. We love Glory and it is a perfect match she sure is a lot of fun!"
On 7-12-14 as soon as her plane landed, Hessy writes: "We love her!!!!! My daughter adores her!!! So many kisses n so happy to see us. She came straight out to my daughter. Tail wagging n licking. It's now 9pm our time and Glory is finally eating her food and has drank water bowl empty
twice. She laid around the rest of the afternoon. Guess she was tired after the long flight. Will let you know how she is tomorrow."
7-12 -14: Glory landed in North Carolina this afternoon into the loving arms of her new owner and best friend! They loved each other instantly and are going to have loads of fun. They're already preparing for a life competing in AKC dog shows. Look out everyone, we may just have the new 'Heidi Klum' of doggie supermodels on our hands! Good luck to they dynamic duo, knock em' dead! Thank you Bateman family for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: What a beautiful, yet assertive personality this puppy has. She enjoys activities, play, her toys and her siblings but still maintains her alpha female status. She always has the upper hand in play and rarely backs down. She knows what she wants and goes for it, she likes to be the leader, but also loves affection. She's still very handsy and loves to box! She driven and dedicated and I think would make a great working dog.

DOB: 5-25-14
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Thorpe family in ID!
Previous Call Name: 'Liberty'
On 8-16-14 Michelle texts: Update on Sophie, she is doing so well we just love her! She is doing really well with the kennel at night, hurray! The first two night we didn't get much sleep. We are working on potty training and she is doing much better. We start puppy class on Monday. She is the sweetest girl in the world!
On 8-11-4 'Sophie' went home with her new mom and dad, after returning home Michelle txts: We are home and she did wonderful in the car and is making herself right at home! She slept all night, she hasn't cried at all and is such a good girl!
7-27-14: Wow, already 9 weeks old! This little girl is such a wonderful puppy. She is fun, happy and energetic. She loves people and enjoys other dogs, but still has a tendency to be a little shy with new surroundings or bigger dogs. She warms up to new people much faster than any other new situations though, because people are her favorite. She's very smart and already understands what 'no' means. She learns quickly and doesn't push the limits when other animals show her what's appropriate and what's not. It doesn't take much at all for her to 'pick up' what you're 'putting down' ! The right family came along and finally discovered little Liberty and have decided, they may want to make her a part of the family. They are even willing and excited to embrace her shy side! What a lucky girl Libby is! We will meet them for the first time on the 11th! Wish us luck!
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Thorpe family in ID!
Previous Call Name: 'Liberty'
On 8-16-14 Michelle texts: Update on Sophie, she is doing so well we just love her! She is doing really well with the kennel at night, hurray! The first two night we didn't get much sleep. We are working on potty training and she is doing much better. We start puppy class on Monday. She is the sweetest girl in the world!
On 8-11-4 'Sophie' went home with her new mom and dad, after returning home Michelle txts: We are home and she did wonderful in the car and is making herself right at home! She slept all night, she hasn't cried at all and is such a good girl!
7-27-14: Wow, already 9 weeks old! This little girl is such a wonderful puppy. She is fun, happy and energetic. She loves people and enjoys other dogs, but still has a tendency to be a little shy with new surroundings or bigger dogs. She warms up to new people much faster than any other new situations though, because people are her favorite. She's very smart and already understands what 'no' means. She learns quickly and doesn't push the limits when other animals show her what's appropriate and what's not. It doesn't take much at all for her to 'pick up' what you're 'putting down' ! The right family came along and finally discovered little Liberty and have decided, they may want to make her a part of the family. They are even willing and excited to embrace her shy side! What a lucky girl Libby is! We will meet them for the first time on the 11th! Wish us luck!

DOB: 5-25-14
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the West family in Kansas
Previous Call Name: 'Hero'
On 8-28-14 Rashelle txts: He doesn't stay still very well so he's hard to capture! Haha, quiet, lazy Nekoda is gone and bouncy, clumsy, happy Nekoda has arrived. He has learned sit almost perfectly! He is so funny. I just can't help but grin. he runs around the house as fast as he can when he gets excited. He doesn't piddle very much at all anymore. He's still a little nervous meeting people and other dogs but I bet the dog park will fix that if we give him some time.
7-23-14: Little Nekoda will be staying with us a little longer until his new mom and dad, Brandon and
Rashelle, are ready to take him home at the end of August! Nekoda is a sweet polite little boy with a zest for life and a love for people and play. He's an amazing little puppy!
7-6-14: Hero has begun to show more leader qualities lately. I find him, his brothers 'Patriot' and 'Stars', exploring on their own, not afraid to take initiative. He loves to engage in play and is more of a dominant puppy. He and Stars usually get into arguments about who is going to lead the group. He has become very confidant. He still loves people and loves to play with toys, or your fingers. He's a very 'easy to please' kinda guy, whatever you want to do for entertainment, he's down with that! He trust you implicitly!
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the West family in Kansas
Previous Call Name: 'Hero'
On 8-28-14 Rashelle txts: He doesn't stay still very well so he's hard to capture! Haha, quiet, lazy Nekoda is gone and bouncy, clumsy, happy Nekoda has arrived. He has learned sit almost perfectly! He is so funny. I just can't help but grin. he runs around the house as fast as he can when he gets excited. He doesn't piddle very much at all anymore. He's still a little nervous meeting people and other dogs but I bet the dog park will fix that if we give him some time.
7-23-14: Little Nekoda will be staying with us a little longer until his new mom and dad, Brandon and
Rashelle, are ready to take him home at the end of August! Nekoda is a sweet polite little boy with a zest for life and a love for people and play. He's an amazing little puppy!
7-6-14: Hero has begun to show more leader qualities lately. I find him, his brothers 'Patriot' and 'Stars', exploring on their own, not afraid to take initiative. He loves to engage in play and is more of a dominant puppy. He and Stars usually get into arguments about who is going to lead the group. He has become very confidant. He still loves people and loves to play with toys, or your fingers. He's a very 'easy to please' kinda guy, whatever you want to do for entertainment, he's down with that! He trust you implicitly!

DOB: 5-25-14
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Close Family in Ohio!
Previous Call Name: 'Stripes'
On 12-2-14: Hi Megan!
I hope everything is going well for you guys out there and you enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving weekend. I just wanted to write to you and give you an update on how everything is going. We did change his name from Aslan to Fawkes (Dumbledore's pheonix from Harry Potter), in part because he's a little too lazy to be an Aslan and because Fawkes and Fox sound the same. He stalks his toys and pounces on them like a fox when he's playing. This makes him one of the laziest and slowest fetchers, but it's pretty great to watch! We just got back from visiting my family for Thanksgiving. He got to play with the other dogs there (a miniature schnauzer, a standard schnauzer, and an Aussie) and he loved it! He's still really goofy and clumsy running around. He's such a great dog and we love having him around. We couldn't imagine life without him or having a more amazing dog. He's super chill and loves to just lounge around the apartment all day. He's pretty hot blooded by nature and enjoys the cold linoleum. He rings his bell when he's hot to go to the bathroom just because he wants to go outside in the cool/cold air, and we don't even keep the place hot - the temperature inside is 69 right now! We had some snow a couple weeks ago and he loved playing it! He still tries to fit under the couch, but he gets stuck more often since he's grown so much, so we have to help get him out from time to time. I just measured him and he's 24.5" tall and 47 pounds (right after dinner). It was pretty shocking to see how much bigger he was than the other dogs because the last time we were there, he was the same size as the mini schnauzer. I've attached a few pictures. I'll have Chelse send you some later too. She's the better photographer, but she's in class right now. The first one is from today. The second is from November 19th. The next two are from right after we put up our Christmas tree. The last one is Chelse holding him up and that one was from October 16th!
On 8-8-14 Chelse writes: "Hi Megan! Thought I would send you a quick update. Aslan is now twenty pounds! He had his vet visit and is as healthy as could be! The vet also told me he has to be the most adorable puppy in the whole world! He is such a precious little guy and loves to snuggle. If he's not wildly playing, he's fast asleep! He's so smart: already crate trained, sits on command and waits patiently while we prepare his food. We haven't had an accident in the house for a whole week! Shane is already talking about getting another poodle! He is sold! Who knows, maybe in a couple years, we'll be adding our name to your waiting list again! Thank you so much for our baby! -Chelse, Shane, and Aslan"
7-12-14: Like the typical 'Stripes' I've raised since birth, when that plane landed in Ohio, he jumped out ready to give and receive whatever affection anyone would give him. On the receiving end of that was his new family, Chelse and Shane! 'Stripes' - now 'Aslan' showed them how not even a 6 hour plane ride could discourage him from making new friends. He loves his new family and they love him. This puppy has been special from the beginning. Chubby, fuzzy, snuggly and special. Show em' what your made of 'Aslan', we'll miss you buddy! Thank you Close family for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: Stripes is the same affectionate playful baby he was last week. He loves people and other dogs, loves to be kissed and kiss back. He loves to play with his toys with you, be held and scratched and craves human interaction. He still has a submissive personality, but doesn't give in as easily at any sign of dominance. He never starts fight, but is very willing to engage in play with his brothers and sisters, he is also starting to stand up for himself more and more. He also still seeks shelter if there is a loud noise or sudden movement, but after he realizes it's no threat, he comes right back out again. He does not like conflict, this boy is a lover not a fighter. He LOVED the sprinkler today, I couldn't keep him out of his, he was soaked by the time it was through!
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Close Family in Ohio!
Previous Call Name: 'Stripes'
On 12-2-14: Hi Megan!
I hope everything is going well for you guys out there and you enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving weekend. I just wanted to write to you and give you an update on how everything is going. We did change his name from Aslan to Fawkes (Dumbledore's pheonix from Harry Potter), in part because he's a little too lazy to be an Aslan and because Fawkes and Fox sound the same. He stalks his toys and pounces on them like a fox when he's playing. This makes him one of the laziest and slowest fetchers, but it's pretty great to watch! We just got back from visiting my family for Thanksgiving. He got to play with the other dogs there (a miniature schnauzer, a standard schnauzer, and an Aussie) and he loved it! He's still really goofy and clumsy running around. He's such a great dog and we love having him around. We couldn't imagine life without him or having a more amazing dog. He's super chill and loves to just lounge around the apartment all day. He's pretty hot blooded by nature and enjoys the cold linoleum. He rings his bell when he's hot to go to the bathroom just because he wants to go outside in the cool/cold air, and we don't even keep the place hot - the temperature inside is 69 right now! We had some snow a couple weeks ago and he loved playing it! He still tries to fit under the couch, but he gets stuck more often since he's grown so much, so we have to help get him out from time to time. I just measured him and he's 24.5" tall and 47 pounds (right after dinner). It was pretty shocking to see how much bigger he was than the other dogs because the last time we were there, he was the same size as the mini schnauzer. I've attached a few pictures. I'll have Chelse send you some later too. She's the better photographer, but she's in class right now. The first one is from today. The second is from November 19th. The next two are from right after we put up our Christmas tree. The last one is Chelse holding him up and that one was from October 16th!
On 8-8-14 Chelse writes: "Hi Megan! Thought I would send you a quick update. Aslan is now twenty pounds! He had his vet visit and is as healthy as could be! The vet also told me he has to be the most adorable puppy in the whole world! He is such a precious little guy and loves to snuggle. If he's not wildly playing, he's fast asleep! He's so smart: already crate trained, sits on command and waits patiently while we prepare his food. We haven't had an accident in the house for a whole week! Shane is already talking about getting another poodle! He is sold! Who knows, maybe in a couple years, we'll be adding our name to your waiting list again! Thank you so much for our baby! -Chelse, Shane, and Aslan"
7-12-14: Like the typical 'Stripes' I've raised since birth, when that plane landed in Ohio, he jumped out ready to give and receive whatever affection anyone would give him. On the receiving end of that was his new family, Chelse and Shane! 'Stripes' - now 'Aslan' showed them how not even a 6 hour plane ride could discourage him from making new friends. He loves his new family and they love him. This puppy has been special from the beginning. Chubby, fuzzy, snuggly and special. Show em' what your made of 'Aslan', we'll miss you buddy! Thank you Close family for taking in one of my babies, we're forever grateful!
7-6-14: Stripes is the same affectionate playful baby he was last week. He loves people and other dogs, loves to be kissed and kiss back. He loves to play with his toys with you, be held and scratched and craves human interaction. He still has a submissive personality, but doesn't give in as easily at any sign of dominance. He never starts fight, but is very willing to engage in play with his brothers and sisters, he is also starting to stand up for himself more and more. He also still seeks shelter if there is a loud noise or sudden movement, but after he realizes it's no threat, he comes right back out again. He does not like conflict, this boy is a lover not a fighter. He LOVED the sprinkler today, I couldn't keep him out of his, he was soaked by the time it was through!

DOB: 5-25-2014
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Glanzer Family in UT
Previous Call Name: 'Stars'
On 7-28-14 Ezra writes: Megan, Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you about Copper. We've had a very busy weekend. He's doing really well! We all really love him. We're definitely getting used to having a brand new puppy around -- puppy proofing the house, teaching him not to nip or chew on things he's not supposed to, and potty training. He's doing really well on all fronts for such a young pup. He is so smart. We've already got him sitting and coming really well. He likes to chase and nip anyone that two or under, so we're trying to teach him not to do that. He's just trying to play. We went camping over the weekend and took him along. There were lots of new things for him to discover there. He had his first bath with us after the campout and he got cold because he wouldn't stay still to blow dry. So he just cuddled under a towel in his kennel until he was all dry. He's such a lively dog, but he's also very mellow sometimes too. He's really a great puppy. We're trying to do a good job of training him. - Ezra
7-19-14: Today little 'Copper' went home to the open arms of 4 kiddos who couldn't wait to meet him! Thank you Glanzer family for taking one of my puppies into and awesome loving home!
7-6-14: Not a lot has changed with this baby since his last update. He's still bubbly has tons of energy and loves people. We put the sprinkler out in the backyard, and I couldn't keep him out of it, that's why he looks like an orphan child! He loves to chew on, wrestle and fetch his toys already! He is still an alpha male in the sense that he reaches the food bowl first, gets a jump on his siblings and can still be a tiny little terrorist when it comes to playing. The one thing that has developed, is Stars has become much more independent. Several times I've found him hanging back resting when he's done with play, laying somewhere napping by himself, or chllin out somewhere underneath some shade just watching the rest of the gang. He's taken somewhat of a 'q' from his brother Patriot and has become very secure with himself. This puppy is also a very brave kiddo. I see him venturing out on his own quite often, exploring new things or things the other puppies haven't worked up the courage to check out yet. This baby is definitely a leader and seems very easy to train.
Sire: Payden
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Glanzer Family in UT
Previous Call Name: 'Stars'
On 7-28-14 Ezra writes: Megan, Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you about Copper. We've had a very busy weekend. He's doing really well! We all really love him. We're definitely getting used to having a brand new puppy around -- puppy proofing the house, teaching him not to nip or chew on things he's not supposed to, and potty training. He's doing really well on all fronts for such a young pup. He is so smart. We've already got him sitting and coming really well. He likes to chase and nip anyone that two or under, so we're trying to teach him not to do that. He's just trying to play. We went camping over the weekend and took him along. There were lots of new things for him to discover there. He had his first bath with us after the campout and he got cold because he wouldn't stay still to blow dry. So he just cuddled under a towel in his kennel until he was all dry. He's such a lively dog, but he's also very mellow sometimes too. He's really a great puppy. We're trying to do a good job of training him. - Ezra
7-19-14: Today little 'Copper' went home to the open arms of 4 kiddos who couldn't wait to meet him! Thank you Glanzer family for taking one of my puppies into and awesome loving home!
7-6-14: Not a lot has changed with this baby since his last update. He's still bubbly has tons of energy and loves people. We put the sprinkler out in the backyard, and I couldn't keep him out of it, that's why he looks like an orphan child! He loves to chew on, wrestle and fetch his toys already! He is still an alpha male in the sense that he reaches the food bowl first, gets a jump on his siblings and can still be a tiny little terrorist when it comes to playing. The one thing that has developed, is Stars has become much more independent. Several times I've found him hanging back resting when he's done with play, laying somewhere napping by himself, or chllin out somewhere underneath some shade just watching the rest of the gang. He's taken somewhat of a 'q' from his brother Patriot and has become very secure with himself. This puppy is also a very brave kiddo. I see him venturing out on his own quite often, exploring new things or things the other puppies haven't worked up the courage to check out yet. This baby is definitely a leader and seems very easy to train.

DOB: 3-30-13
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Souza family in ID!
Previous Call Name: 'Hatch'
On 3-30-14 (Rugers 1st Birthday) Michelle txts:
Hi Megan! Ruger wants to say Thank You for his birthday toy! He is enjoying a super yummy bone and a long walk and play at the park today. His color is so pretty and he is a wonderful dog, we love him so much!
On 8-8-13 Michelle texts:
Hi Megan, just wanted to say thanks again for an awesome puppy! Ruger has a sweet disposition and is really smart, he knows how to sit and lay and walks beside me without a leash. He and Aaron are bonding great. He just got his first haircut and wanted to say hi!
On 7-13-13 Michelle texts:
Hi Megan, Ruger is so smart, he is sitting on command with voice and hand motion. He is walking on a leash beautifully with Aaron and runs along side him as well. Have a great day!
7-10-13: Hatch is kind, polite, sweet, devoted, loyal, cuddly a has just enough spunk to even everything out. He is going to have his dad's exact personality. He doesn't bark into the wee hours of the morning, doesn't dig, doesn't destroy toys etc. He's a gem and such a gentleman. A true 'dream' puppy. Today 'Hatch' went home with this new family the Souza's! Michelle and her husband Ron and their son Aaron. 'Hatch' and Aaron hit it off right away, even though 'Hatch' was not used to hanging out with children, it took no time at all for him to know that this little boy was going to be a blast! Congrats to the Souzas and their new addition, and thank you so much for giving him a great home forever!
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Souza family in ID!
Previous Call Name: 'Hatch'
On 3-30-14 (Rugers 1st Birthday) Michelle txts:
Hi Megan! Ruger wants to say Thank You for his birthday toy! He is enjoying a super yummy bone and a long walk and play at the park today. His color is so pretty and he is a wonderful dog, we love him so much!
On 8-8-13 Michelle texts:
Hi Megan, just wanted to say thanks again for an awesome puppy! Ruger has a sweet disposition and is really smart, he knows how to sit and lay and walks beside me without a leash. He and Aaron are bonding great. He just got his first haircut and wanted to say hi!
On 7-13-13 Michelle texts:
Hi Megan, Ruger is so smart, he is sitting on command with voice and hand motion. He is walking on a leash beautifully with Aaron and runs along side him as well. Have a great day!
7-10-13: Hatch is kind, polite, sweet, devoted, loyal, cuddly a has just enough spunk to even everything out. He is going to have his dad's exact personality. He doesn't bark into the wee hours of the morning, doesn't dig, doesn't destroy toys etc. He's a gem and such a gentleman. A true 'dream' puppy. Today 'Hatch' went home with this new family the Souza's! Michelle and her husband Ron and their son Aaron. 'Hatch' and Aaron hit it off right away, even though 'Hatch' was not used to hanging out with children, it took no time at all for him to know that this little boy was going to be a blast! Congrats to the Souzas and their new addition, and thank you so much for giving him a great home forever!

DOB: 3-30-2013
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current home: with the Drake family in UT!
Previous call name: 'Tulip'
On 3-28-14, Angie texted me:
Hi Megan! Marley is doing great! We love her and don't know what we did before we got her. She loves going on walks, runs, bike rides, and hikes with us. She loved playing in the snow, she hopped around in it like a bunny rabbit. She chased our kids down the sledding hills. She is also very social with other dogs, loves to play. The dog park is her place! -Angie Drake
On 7-12-13, Angie texted me :
Hi Megan!, We love Marley so much! She is a very good dog. You trained her well; we especially appreciate the house training! She got her 3rd immunizations last week and had diarrhea for a few days. We also switched her dog food, which could explain the problem. I gave her a heartworm pill today and am just waiting for her to feel better! -Angie Drake
6-26-13: Great things come to those who wait! Tulip was a very patient girl, and the perfect family finally found her. Angie and her family contacted me and told me how much they wanted to make 'Tulip' a part of their lives. With 4 children, she would have all the love, activity and attention any puppy could dream of. We decided to meet as soon as we could so the Drakes you meet their new addition. 'Tulip' warmed up to everyone right away, she loved the way all of her new kids tasted and loved to lick them all over! I was so impressed with all of their kids, I have never met a group of more polite kiddos ever! They were all very calm and patient when first meeting 'Tulip'. They made sure not to scare or startle her and all sat around in a big circle while she could give everyone good sniffing! It was love at first sniff! Thank you Drake family for adopting 'Tulip', you guys deserve a puppy that will love you every step of the way, (and also be cute enough to maybe get away with a couple things here or there!)
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current home: with the Drake family in UT!
Previous call name: 'Tulip'
On 3-28-14, Angie texted me:
Hi Megan! Marley is doing great! We love her and don't know what we did before we got her. She loves going on walks, runs, bike rides, and hikes with us. She loved playing in the snow, she hopped around in it like a bunny rabbit. She chased our kids down the sledding hills. She is also very social with other dogs, loves to play. The dog park is her place! -Angie Drake
On 7-12-13, Angie texted me :
Hi Megan!, We love Marley so much! She is a very good dog. You trained her well; we especially appreciate the house training! She got her 3rd immunizations last week and had diarrhea for a few days. We also switched her dog food, which could explain the problem. I gave her a heartworm pill today and am just waiting for her to feel better! -Angie Drake
6-26-13: Great things come to those who wait! Tulip was a very patient girl, and the perfect family finally found her. Angie and her family contacted me and told me how much they wanted to make 'Tulip' a part of their lives. With 4 children, she would have all the love, activity and attention any puppy could dream of. We decided to meet as soon as we could so the Drakes you meet their new addition. 'Tulip' warmed up to everyone right away, she loved the way all of her new kids tasted and loved to lick them all over! I was so impressed with all of their kids, I have never met a group of more polite kiddos ever! They were all very calm and patient when first meeting 'Tulip'. They made sure not to scare or startle her and all sat around in a big circle while she could give everyone good sniffing! It was love at first sniff! Thank you Drake family for adopting 'Tulip', you guys deserve a puppy that will love you every step of the way, (and also be cute enough to maybe get away with a couple things here or there!)
'Ceiro' - (Welsh for 'love')

DOB: 3-30-2013
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with Vivian in Washington!
Previous call name: 'Puddles'
On 7-12-13 Vivian texted me:
Hi Megan! here are a couple recent pics of Ceiro. he is an awesome little dude! Sweet natured, really responsive, smart, entertaining, and goes with me pretty much everywhere! He knows sit, shake, off, fetch, no bite, come and we're working on down, up, drop it, and stay. he also heels on and off leash! He is about 19" at the shoulder and 25lbs - I think he's going to be a big boy! I couldn't be happier with him :) Thanks so much for all you did to create this wonderful puppy! - Vivian
'Puddles' left the nest today and into the arms of his super excited, loving and devoted mom Vivian! It was a very hard decision to make for Vivian, choosing a puppy, but something about 'Puddles' just said 'I'm your boy!'. I'm so glad 'Puddles' found Vivian. With his sweet nature,
inquisitive personality and happy temperment, he'll always be by her side, and make her laugh. Her best buddy, furry friend, protecter and secret keeper. 'Puddles' deserves someone who will love him forever, keep him safe, provide him with the feelings of comfort and security, and who always has a
stash of 'scooby snacks' waiting! That's exactly what he found in Vivian. These two have a long awesome road ahead of them, and I couldn't have chosen a better pair to share the journey. Thank you for taking care of my sweeet 'Puddles'. He'll love you forever, no matter what Vivian!
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with Vivian in Washington!
Previous call name: 'Puddles'
On 7-12-13 Vivian texted me:
Hi Megan! here are a couple recent pics of Ceiro. he is an awesome little dude! Sweet natured, really responsive, smart, entertaining, and goes with me pretty much everywhere! He knows sit, shake, off, fetch, no bite, come and we're working on down, up, drop it, and stay. he also heels on and off leash! He is about 19" at the shoulder and 25lbs - I think he's going to be a big boy! I couldn't be happier with him :) Thanks so much for all you did to create this wonderful puppy! - Vivian
'Puddles' left the nest today and into the arms of his super excited, loving and devoted mom Vivian! It was a very hard decision to make for Vivian, choosing a puppy, but something about 'Puddles' just said 'I'm your boy!'. I'm so glad 'Puddles' found Vivian. With his sweet nature,
inquisitive personality and happy temperment, he'll always be by her side, and make her laugh. Her best buddy, furry friend, protecter and secret keeper. 'Puddles' deserves someone who will love him forever, keep him safe, provide him with the feelings of comfort and security, and who always has a
stash of 'scooby snacks' waiting! That's exactly what he found in Vivian. These two have a long awesome road ahead of them, and I couldn't have chosen a better pair to share the journey. Thank you for taking care of my sweeet 'Puddles'. He'll love you forever, no matter what Vivian!

DOB: 3-30-2013
Sire: Cowboy
Current Home: with Stephanie and family in NY!
Previous Call Name: Bug!
9-2013: I received some updated pictures of 'Bug' from Stephanie and it looks like our little 'Bug' fits in just perfect!
5-25-13: There was only one 'Bug' in the whole world, and he was an amazing little puppy. His look, his eyes, pink little nose and bright spirit made him such a joy to be around. Nothing ever got him down, and you always felt better after interacting with him. He never met a stranger, they were always friends he hadn't got to know yet. Today he got on a plane and took a long flight to New York, where at the end, he's become part of an amazing family who was so ready to be bitten by 'The Bug'! Once you see him, you can't help but love him. Stephanie, her 2 children and her husband were all there to greet 'Bug' after his long flight and welcome him into open loving arms. Naturally, 'animal people', the Kurau's introduced him to their other dogs, a Doberman and a Griffon. After a little while of getting to know one another, I assume they too were bitten by 'The Bug', because Stephanie reported that they follow eachother around like they've known eachother for years! I'm so glad this family discovered 'Bug', and how lucky he is. I know for a fact that his happy personality will brighten their lives, and their love for him will fill his. Thank you so much Kurau family for adopting my 'Bug-Bug'. I love knowing there couldn't have been anyone better for him, or for you.
Sire: Cowboy
Current Home: with Stephanie and family in NY!
Previous Call Name: Bug!
9-2013: I received some updated pictures of 'Bug' from Stephanie and it looks like our little 'Bug' fits in just perfect!
5-25-13: There was only one 'Bug' in the whole world, and he was an amazing little puppy. His look, his eyes, pink little nose and bright spirit made him such a joy to be around. Nothing ever got him down, and you always felt better after interacting with him. He never met a stranger, they were always friends he hadn't got to know yet. Today he got on a plane and took a long flight to New York, where at the end, he's become part of an amazing family who was so ready to be bitten by 'The Bug'! Once you see him, you can't help but love him. Stephanie, her 2 children and her husband were all there to greet 'Bug' after his long flight and welcome him into open loving arms. Naturally, 'animal people', the Kurau's introduced him to their other dogs, a Doberman and a Griffon. After a little while of getting to know one another, I assume they too were bitten by 'The Bug', because Stephanie reported that they follow eachother around like they've known eachother for years! I'm so glad this family discovered 'Bug', and how lucky he is. I know for a fact that his happy personality will brighten their lives, and their love for him will fill his. Thank you so much Kurau family for adopting my 'Bug-Bug'. I love knowing there couldn't have been anyone better for him, or for you.

DOB: 3-30-2013
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Ralph and Julie in ID
Previous call name: 'Rain'
January 2014: Today Adele came over for another haircut. Ralph and Julie decided to take the poodle plunge, ditch the scruffy feet/face combo that Adele normally sports and give the slick face and feet a try. The second I started shaving away Adele's 5 o'clock shadow, I knew she was going to look beautiful. And I was right! She is the spitting image of her mother in her lovely face, and tall like her dad with those legs. What a beautiful girl!
July 2013:
I got to hang out with Miss Adele today! Since we live in the same town, she came over for a haircut! I expected to have a rodeo on my hands since she's always got ants in her pants, but I was so impressed. She did amazing, she didn't complain once, and didn't move a muscle! She also got to re-unite with her mom, Ky, who reminded her, that being so rambunctious and crazy all the time is not very lady-like. I brought Ky and Izzy with me when I took Adele home, and snapped some great pictures while driving. Needles to say, I think this girl has something bigger than just ants in her furry little pants!
On 5-30-2013 Ralph texts:
Megan, Adele is doing great. It seems like she's already grown 4"! She seems happy and is definitely wiggly! Thank You, we love her! -Ralph & Julie
5-20-13: Today my little 'Rain' went to her new amazing family with her new mom Julie, her new dad Ralph and her new sister Angel! Together they decided to name her 'Adele'. I am so excited about her new name, because I too, am a huge fan of the singer! They said it was inspired by 2 of her amazing songs with 'Rain' in the title! That's my kind of thinking! I'm so glad she has these guys, and they have her. I sense some pretty pesky adventures coming their way, but my theory is, that's why puppies are so cute...so they can get away with anything! Thank you to the Remington family for easing my worries and knowing this girl will be loved and more than well taken care of!
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Ralph and Julie in ID
Previous call name: 'Rain'
January 2014: Today Adele came over for another haircut. Ralph and Julie decided to take the poodle plunge, ditch the scruffy feet/face combo that Adele normally sports and give the slick face and feet a try. The second I started shaving away Adele's 5 o'clock shadow, I knew she was going to look beautiful. And I was right! She is the spitting image of her mother in her lovely face, and tall like her dad with those legs. What a beautiful girl!
July 2013:
I got to hang out with Miss Adele today! Since we live in the same town, she came over for a haircut! I expected to have a rodeo on my hands since she's always got ants in her pants, but I was so impressed. She did amazing, she didn't complain once, and didn't move a muscle! She also got to re-unite with her mom, Ky, who reminded her, that being so rambunctious and crazy all the time is not very lady-like. I brought Ky and Izzy with me when I took Adele home, and snapped some great pictures while driving. Needles to say, I think this girl has something bigger than just ants in her furry little pants!
On 5-30-2013 Ralph texts:
Megan, Adele is doing great. It seems like she's already grown 4"! She seems happy and is definitely wiggly! Thank You, we love her! -Ralph & Julie
5-20-13: Today my little 'Rain' went to her new amazing family with her new mom Julie, her new dad Ralph and her new sister Angel! Together they decided to name her 'Adele'. I am so excited about her new name, because I too, am a huge fan of the singer! They said it was inspired by 2 of her amazing songs with 'Rain' in the title! That's my kind of thinking! I'm so glad she has these guys, and they have her. I sense some pretty pesky adventures coming their way, but my theory is, that's why puppies are so cute...so they can get away with anything! Thank you to the Remington family for easing my worries and knowing this girl will be loved and more than well taken care of!

DOB: 3-30-2013
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current home: with Charlotte & Bri in ID!
Previous Call Name: 'Blossom'!
On 3-10-14 Charlotte texts me:
She is the best dog ever! Such a good sport-always wants in on the action. Playing games with Bri, snuggling on the couch, and keeping Bri company at night. She's such a pro on road trips. She's gotten so long and tall and is such a pretty pretty girl!
On Halloween 2013 Charlotte texted me that Miss Bri just had to give Little Blossom the girliest costume out there! What a beauty! See the pictures below!
On 8-8-13 Charlotte texts:
So...our vet just LOVES Blossom. She's such a sweet girl! Always giving kisses and snuggling up to people. We just love her! AND she's already lost most of her baby teeth, that was fast!
5-19-13: Little 'Blossom' could not have been picked by a better family, and it could not have been a better fit for both of them! 'Blossom' gets to go home this weekend to a 4 year old little girl who belongs totally to her! Little Bri can't wait to get her new puppy home with her new pink bed, pink toys, dishes and collar! These two little girls are going to be the epitome of 'classy ladies'. We met up with Bri and her mom Charlotte this weekend so the 3 of them could meet for the 1st time before 'Blossom' went home for good. It was like they had known eachother forever. 'Blossom' loved Bri and followed her around everywhere. Bri loved to pick up 'Blossom' and pack her around like she weighed nothing, which 'Blossom' didn't mind at all. This new little family is going to be so great together. I couldn't have asked for anything better for my 'Blossom', (excuse me, I meant, Bri's 'Blossom'!). I'll rest easy knowing that she'll be loved and cared for like no other puppy in the world. This family puts the meaning back into 'Girls rule and boys drool!' One happy family of beautiful ladies!
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current home: with Charlotte & Bri in ID!
Previous Call Name: 'Blossom'!
On 3-10-14 Charlotte texts me:
She is the best dog ever! Such a good sport-always wants in on the action. Playing games with Bri, snuggling on the couch, and keeping Bri company at night. She's such a pro on road trips. She's gotten so long and tall and is such a pretty pretty girl!
On Halloween 2013 Charlotte texted me that Miss Bri just had to give Little Blossom the girliest costume out there! What a beauty! See the pictures below!
On 8-8-13 Charlotte texts:
So...our vet just LOVES Blossom. She's such a sweet girl! Always giving kisses and snuggling up to people. We just love her! AND she's already lost most of her baby teeth, that was fast!
5-19-13: Little 'Blossom' could not have been picked by a better family, and it could not have been a better fit for both of them! 'Blossom' gets to go home this weekend to a 4 year old little girl who belongs totally to her! Little Bri can't wait to get her new puppy home with her new pink bed, pink toys, dishes and collar! These two little girls are going to be the epitome of 'classy ladies'. We met up with Bri and her mom Charlotte this weekend so the 3 of them could meet for the 1st time before 'Blossom' went home for good. It was like they had known eachother forever. 'Blossom' loved Bri and followed her around everywhere. Bri loved to pick up 'Blossom' and pack her around like she weighed nothing, which 'Blossom' didn't mind at all. This new little family is going to be so great together. I couldn't have asked for anything better for my 'Blossom', (excuse me, I meant, Bri's 'Blossom'!). I'll rest easy knowing that she'll be loved and cared for like no other puppy in the world. This family puts the meaning back into 'Girls rule and boys drool!' One happy family of beautiful ladies!

DOB: 3-30-2013
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with the Marsh Family in AR!
Previous call name: 'Mud'
In September 2013: Mandy attached several updated pictures and said "Happy Dog :)"
On 7-25-13 Mandy emails:
Hey Megan. Just wanted to give you an update on Chesney. He is growing! He is 19 1/2" at the shoulder...maybe a little more...he doesn't like to sit still. lol! He weighs 27 lbs. He knows sit, down, roll over and off. We are working on no bite. We love him...although he is a little spit fire. He doesn't like the swimming pool...but he does everything he can to attack a sprinkler. It is so funny! And he just wears himself out! I hope I don't overflow you with pics. I love to take pictures. My husband knows a man whose wife has poodles she has been extremely helpful with grooming. She has been a true master groomer for more than 30 years. She has taken me under her wing and told me what to do. She said if I let his coat grow out for about 6 months then we can cut pattern on him. She is teaching me how to groom him. So I have purchased a grooming table and air force dryer and hopefully one day I will be able to groom him myself...or at least his face, feet and tail. :) Sorry this was so long...I just love our dog!
5-25-13: Mud Man flew home to meet his new family in Arkansas! They thought long and hard about adopting this little kiddo, but after much deliberation and excitement, they decided they wanted to play in the MUD! His dreams came true when he found out that his forever home will be with children who will play with him until he passes out! Thank you Marsh family!
5-15-13: My 'Muddy' little rascal naturally gravitates toward people and always wants to play. This puppy is always on the go and nothing gets him down. He's active, spirited, happy, and wiley! This baby gets the jump on all of his siblings but is fast enough to make a run for it before anyone figures out what he's done. 'Mud' loves kids, I think because they have as much energy as he does. He is also very very tolerant. When a family with 3 young children came to play, Mud was right in the middle of the mix. They picked him up, held him high, low, upside down, sideways, on his back and even made him do a little dance at one point. He never barked, cried or whined. He let them do whatever they wanted, then when they put him down, he came running back for more. Nothing scares 'Mud'. He dives nose first into any situation and thinks about it later. I really think I aptly named this puppy, because he likes to get down and dirty!

Pickles 5 months old! - Looks just like his dad!
DOB: 3-30-13
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with Christy M. & family in Washington!
Previous call name: 'Robin'
On 8-30-2013 Christi writes:
Hey Megan,
Congratulations on your marriage--------a tad
late. I just sent you by text a few pictures of Pickles the perfect poodle puppy. It was really hard to get a good one as he was excited and very wiggly! As you can see—he is a beautiful pup! I continue to be blown away at how well behaved and smart he is. I can leave him alone in the house and he doesn’t get into anything or have any accidents. He is very willing to please and learns things very quickly. We are getting tons of compliments on his conformation from show people. You did a great job starting him off---we couldn’t be happier! Take care! -Christi
On 5-21-2013 Christi writes;
Hi Megan,
We are thrilled with Pickles!!! He is the perfect poodle puppy!!! I’ve trained a lot of dogs/puppies in my day and Pickles is by far the easiest I’ve ever dealt with. I can’t even to begin to tell you how impressed we are with him. That said, please put me (and my husband) on your waiting list for your next litter. Also, Kerry and her husband would like to be on the waiting list for the next litter too. Kerry and Sal are very impressed by how Eli and Pickles get on. Eli wants a poodle puppy just like Pickles, and by next year, his now 2 1/2 year old brother should be old enough for a pup. Eli comes over (we live next door to each other) every day just to play with Pickles----they are so cute together! Hugs, Christi
On 5-20-13 Christi writes:
It was great meeting you too! I’ve been very impressed with Pickles. He has not had an “accident”, slept through the night without a peep,
and traveled like a pro! He and Eli have becomes good buddies and he gets along well with our older dog. So far everything has been a breeze! He is an absolute sweetheart and I’m so happy he’s here with us. Thank you so much---you’ve done a fantastic job with him. Kisses from Pickles - Christi
5-19-13: Goodbye to my handsome little blonde boy, and hello to his wonderful new family! Christi had her choice between all the little guys in the group, but something about 'Pickles' just spoke to her, and I'm glad it did! "Pickles" is going to show this family what it's all about being a precious playful poodle puppy! I'm so glad 'Pickles' found this family, he's smart, beautiful and ready to learn, and that's exactly what Christi wanted! After years and years of showing and raising Otterhounds, this family knows how to give a puppy everything it needs to live a happy healthy life (and I'm sure "Pickles" has a few surprises up his sleeve for them too!). He and his new family have already made it home and they have reported that he's doing great. He's met the elder of the house, 'Lily' a 9 year old Otterhound, and hopefully introduced himself like a gentleman. Christi's grandson Eli and "Pickles" have become good buddies and hopefully don't give Christi and her daughter Kerry (Eli's mom) too much of a run for their money, boys will be boys! Thank you so much to the Mountjoy family for choosing one of my kiddos and loving him forever. I know he'll bring you as much joy (and adventures) as he's brought me in the 7 weeks I knew him!
Sire: Cowboy
Dam: Kayenne
Current Home: with Christy M. & family in Washington!
Previous call name: 'Robin'
On 8-30-2013 Christi writes:
Hey Megan,
Congratulations on your marriage--------a tad
late. I just sent you by text a few pictures of Pickles the perfect poodle puppy. It was really hard to get a good one as he was excited and very wiggly! As you can see—he is a beautiful pup! I continue to be blown away at how well behaved and smart he is. I can leave him alone in the house and he doesn’t get into anything or have any accidents. He is very willing to please and learns things very quickly. We are getting tons of compliments on his conformation from show people. You did a great job starting him off---we couldn’t be happier! Take care! -Christi
On 5-21-2013 Christi writes;
Hi Megan,
We are thrilled with Pickles!!! He is the perfect poodle puppy!!! I’ve trained a lot of dogs/puppies in my day and Pickles is by far the easiest I’ve ever dealt with. I can’t even to begin to tell you how impressed we are with him. That said, please put me (and my husband) on your waiting list for your next litter. Also, Kerry and her husband would like to be on the waiting list for the next litter too. Kerry and Sal are very impressed by how Eli and Pickles get on. Eli wants a poodle puppy just like Pickles, and by next year, his now 2 1/2 year old brother should be old enough for a pup. Eli comes over (we live next door to each other) every day just to play with Pickles----they are so cute together! Hugs, Christi
On 5-20-13 Christi writes:
It was great meeting you too! I’ve been very impressed with Pickles. He has not had an “accident”, slept through the night without a peep,
and traveled like a pro! He and Eli have becomes good buddies and he gets along well with our older dog. So far everything has been a breeze! He is an absolute sweetheart and I’m so happy he’s here with us. Thank you so much---you’ve done a fantastic job with him. Kisses from Pickles - Christi
5-19-13: Goodbye to my handsome little blonde boy, and hello to his wonderful new family! Christi had her choice between all the little guys in the group, but something about 'Pickles' just spoke to her, and I'm glad it did! "Pickles" is going to show this family what it's all about being a precious playful poodle puppy! I'm so glad 'Pickles' found this family, he's smart, beautiful and ready to learn, and that's exactly what Christi wanted! After years and years of showing and raising Otterhounds, this family knows how to give a puppy everything it needs to live a happy healthy life (and I'm sure "Pickles" has a few surprises up his sleeve for them too!). He and his new family have already made it home and they have reported that he's doing great. He's met the elder of the house, 'Lily' a 9 year old Otterhound, and hopefully introduced himself like a gentleman. Christi's grandson Eli and "Pickles" have become good buddies and hopefully don't give Christi and her daughter Kerry (Eli's mom) too much of a run for their money, boys will be boys! Thank you so much to the Mountjoy family for choosing one of my kiddos and loving him forever. I know he'll bring you as much joy (and adventures) as he's brought me in the 7 weeks I knew him!

'Fi-Fi' 9 weeks old
*DOB: 1-24-12
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Kimberly in Colorado
*Previous Call Name: 'Lady'
She's still as vivacious as ever and loves to be around people. She still bosses everyone around but never passes up time to cuddle with you. She makes a b-line for the toys when they are playing and always manages to find the heaviest one to try and haul around the house.
***Updates from her new owner are coming soon!***
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Kimberly in Colorado
*Previous Call Name: 'Lady'
She's still as vivacious as ever and loves to be around people. She still bosses everyone around but never passes up time to cuddle with you. She makes a b-line for the toys when they are playing and always manages to find the heaviest one to try and haul around the house.
***Updates from her new owner are coming soon!***

'Violet' and her big brother 'Cosmo'
*DOB: 1-24-12
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Gail in Idaho
*Previous Call Name: 'Nana'
Little Violet has gone from being the quietest, most laid back lazy puppy to one heck of a rambunctious red head! She loves to run as fast as her little legs can carry her over to wherever looks the most interesting! She has ants in her pants all the time and can't figure out what she wants to explore first! She has the fuzziest face of the whole group and when she sees you she just smothers you with her curls and her kisses!
***Updates from her new owner are coming soon!***
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Gail in Idaho
*Previous Call Name: 'Nana'
Little Violet has gone from being the quietest, most laid back lazy puppy to one heck of a rambunctious red head! She loves to run as fast as her little legs can carry her over to wherever looks the most interesting! She has ants in her pants all the time and can't figure out what she wants to explore first! She has the fuzziest face of the whole group and when she sees you she just smothers you with her curls and her kisses!
***Updates from her new owner are coming soon!***
'Truman' & 'Jackson' aka
The Baltimore Brothers!

*DOB: 1-24-12
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Janet & Alan in Maryland
*Previous Call Name: 'Tramp' & 'Bruno'
These two brother were inseparable. Like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer or Ben and Jerry! Haha! You couldn't have one without the other. It worked out perfectly for them because their family wanted to adopt them both! They now live in Baltimore Maryland with one of most loving families I could have asked for!
10-25-2013 Janet writes:
I was a bit nostalgic for your pup updates, so visited your website tonight, and saw another pup parent congratulating you on your marriage. Let me add our hardy congratulations too!! That's wonderful!! We're fine and the Brothers are wonderful. Jackson has become the vocal one, and can be a real loudmouth sometimes which is hysterical! I had to laugh when I read where the parent of one of your new pups say she is "wiggly". That's Jackson - In fact, he doesn't wag his tail, he wiggles his entire butt so much that his
nickname is "Uncle Wiggily"!! It must be genetic! Truman is wonderful too - still very eager and first in line for everything from supper to hugs. Will send you several recent pics. They're in our guest room which is also my study. They like to chill while I'm working.
Wishing you and Jake a long and happy life together! xo,
Janet & Alan
On 4-23-12 Janet writes:
The boys just graduated into bigger (and individual) crates tonite. Yesterday at the vet, Truman weighed 18.5 lbs and Jackson weighed 19 lbs. So they're keeping up with their brother Dalton! The vet again remarked how wonderful their dispositions are, and then said they were a "very handsome duo". The weather all last week was gorgeous here, so we all spent a lot of time in the yard. Just as I expected, the Boys and Oliver gallop around chasing each other and having a marvelous time. They are a delight. Honestly, your ears must be burning constantly because we're always talking about how unbelievably well they're socialized. We had a first visit w a trainer last week - same one who trained us and Teddy and Lincoln 12 yrs ago- and he had them doing "sit" within a few minutes. He couldn't believe how laid-back they are too. So, you obviously have an innate talent for breeding fabulous pups! Hope you and Ky and Izzy are settling in to your (almost) empty nest. Give them, Dalton, and yourself big licks from the Baltimore brothers! Will send pics when/if they slow down.
On 12-26-12 Janet & Alan write:
Hey there Megan -
Thanks so much for your Christmas card and especially for the fabulous photo - loved it! Hope you guys had a wonderful day yesterday, and that the Holiday Season continues to be a good one for you. Forgive my delay in getting this promised update on the Baltimore Brothers to you. That delay simply shows how much fun we're having our new pups (and how busy they keep us)! Where to start? They are 11 months old now - right? And doing spectacularly well. Surprisingly, Truman is bigger than Jackson, reversing their size status as pups. It goes without saying that they're gorgeous - that thick, curly, soft red hair is just a joy to pet and cuddle with, and our groomer adores them. The other surprise is how their "personalities" have turned out. Although Jackson still is the one we suspect when there's been mischief, like a gnawed-on rug or a towel dragged from the laundry room into the kitchen, he has not turned out to be the ringleader as we thought he would. That would be Mr. Truman, who we now call the "overzealous
overachiever." Truman ALWAYS has to be first - first out the door, first on the nearest lap, first to the food bowl, and first to chase whatever there is to
chase. And being first means not just ahead of his brother - but ahead of our two little poodles as well. We liken him to the little boy in the classroom
whose hand is always the first to shoot up at any question asked, and who is first in line with his pencil sharpened and his hair slicked down. Jackson will have nothing to do with that frame of mind, and rather than trying to horn in on Truman, just goes his own way. But, far from being a loner (except when he's scouting for more mischief to get into), he has learned that even if his brother has taken the first available lap, there's always another lap for Jack to climb into. They are still remarkably laidback, except in the mornings when they've finished their sleep and are ready for the day to begin - whether we are or not. And of course, they're smart like all poodles. But what has been the biggest surprise - especially for boy pups - is how cuddly they are! They are never in a room with all of us together that they're not intermittently coming up to us for a kiss or for their belly to be scratched, and more often than not - as mentioned above- they push to get in one of our laps. And, they'll just stay there! And, of course, they're still absolutely devoted to each other, and bark vociferously when they are separated. Once again we have to say what a wonderful job you did in breeding, and especially in raising them those first few months. They are a delight and have the very best qualities of the breed. They were fabulous with our young nieces and nephew this past summer, and do well with us older folks as well. Kudos. Have a healthy and happy 2013, and many, many thanks
for our two new babies.
Janet and Alan
On 1-24-13 Truman & Jackson 'write'...
Dear Mamas Ky and Megan,
Thank you for our beautiful and potentially scrumptious birthday presents and the card! For now, Mama Janet will only let us play w them when she's watching us; she says they are special and that we'll be glad that she made us take care of them. She says we'll understand when we're older. She's right - we sure don't understand now as we're dying to see what's inside. We're having a great first birthday! It snowed last night, and we love snow so we don't like to come in from our yard. Even though it's very cold here (not as cold as where you are, we know), we still love to romp and chase each other for hours outside. Mama J would prefer we do that only for a few minutes and then come in. But it's our birthday so she let us stay out a bit
even though she was freezing. We told her that that's what you have to do when you have growing 1 yo Birthday Boys and she'd better get used to it. Yes, we're getting sassy as we grow. We're waiting for our Daddy to get here, and then we think we'll get a birthday treat. We'll let you know what it is after we get it. We hear we may be having new little half-brothers and sisters and are excited for Mama Ky. BUT even though Mama J is making noises about loving puppies and maybe getting a puppy next year, we think we're perfect and that she doesn't need anymore puppies. At least not for awhile.
We hope both of you, Izzy, and Luke are well and keeping warm. We'd love to see you sometime. In the meantime, send us lots of pictures.
Thanks again for our birthday presents! We love you guys!!
xoxo, Jackson (aka Tramp) & Truman (aka Bruno)
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Janet & Alan in Maryland
*Previous Call Name: 'Tramp' & 'Bruno'
These two brother were inseparable. Like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer or Ben and Jerry! Haha! You couldn't have one without the other. It worked out perfectly for them because their family wanted to adopt them both! They now live in Baltimore Maryland with one of most loving families I could have asked for!
10-25-2013 Janet writes:
I was a bit nostalgic for your pup updates, so visited your website tonight, and saw another pup parent congratulating you on your marriage. Let me add our hardy congratulations too!! That's wonderful!! We're fine and the Brothers are wonderful. Jackson has become the vocal one, and can be a real loudmouth sometimes which is hysterical! I had to laugh when I read where the parent of one of your new pups say she is "wiggly". That's Jackson - In fact, he doesn't wag his tail, he wiggles his entire butt so much that his
nickname is "Uncle Wiggily"!! It must be genetic! Truman is wonderful too - still very eager and first in line for everything from supper to hugs. Will send you several recent pics. They're in our guest room which is also my study. They like to chill while I'm working.
Wishing you and Jake a long and happy life together! xo,
Janet & Alan
On 4-23-12 Janet writes:
The boys just graduated into bigger (and individual) crates tonite. Yesterday at the vet, Truman weighed 18.5 lbs and Jackson weighed 19 lbs. So they're keeping up with their brother Dalton! The vet again remarked how wonderful their dispositions are, and then said they were a "very handsome duo". The weather all last week was gorgeous here, so we all spent a lot of time in the yard. Just as I expected, the Boys and Oliver gallop around chasing each other and having a marvelous time. They are a delight. Honestly, your ears must be burning constantly because we're always talking about how unbelievably well they're socialized. We had a first visit w a trainer last week - same one who trained us and Teddy and Lincoln 12 yrs ago- and he had them doing "sit" within a few minutes. He couldn't believe how laid-back they are too. So, you obviously have an innate talent for breeding fabulous pups! Hope you and Ky and Izzy are settling in to your (almost) empty nest. Give them, Dalton, and yourself big licks from the Baltimore brothers! Will send pics when/if they slow down.
On 12-26-12 Janet & Alan write:
Hey there Megan -
Thanks so much for your Christmas card and especially for the fabulous photo - loved it! Hope you guys had a wonderful day yesterday, and that the Holiday Season continues to be a good one for you. Forgive my delay in getting this promised update on the Baltimore Brothers to you. That delay simply shows how much fun we're having our new pups (and how busy they keep us)! Where to start? They are 11 months old now - right? And doing spectacularly well. Surprisingly, Truman is bigger than Jackson, reversing their size status as pups. It goes without saying that they're gorgeous - that thick, curly, soft red hair is just a joy to pet and cuddle with, and our groomer adores them. The other surprise is how their "personalities" have turned out. Although Jackson still is the one we suspect when there's been mischief, like a gnawed-on rug or a towel dragged from the laundry room into the kitchen, he has not turned out to be the ringleader as we thought he would. That would be Mr. Truman, who we now call the "overzealous
overachiever." Truman ALWAYS has to be first - first out the door, first on the nearest lap, first to the food bowl, and first to chase whatever there is to
chase. And being first means not just ahead of his brother - but ahead of our two little poodles as well. We liken him to the little boy in the classroom
whose hand is always the first to shoot up at any question asked, and who is first in line with his pencil sharpened and his hair slicked down. Jackson will have nothing to do with that frame of mind, and rather than trying to horn in on Truman, just goes his own way. But, far from being a loner (except when he's scouting for more mischief to get into), he has learned that even if his brother has taken the first available lap, there's always another lap for Jack to climb into. They are still remarkably laidback, except in the mornings when they've finished their sleep and are ready for the day to begin - whether we are or not. And of course, they're smart like all poodles. But what has been the biggest surprise - especially for boy pups - is how cuddly they are! They are never in a room with all of us together that they're not intermittently coming up to us for a kiss or for their belly to be scratched, and more often than not - as mentioned above- they push to get in one of our laps. And, they'll just stay there! And, of course, they're still absolutely devoted to each other, and bark vociferously when they are separated. Once again we have to say what a wonderful job you did in breeding, and especially in raising them those first few months. They are a delight and have the very best qualities of the breed. They were fabulous with our young nieces and nephew this past summer, and do well with us older folks as well. Kudos. Have a healthy and happy 2013, and many, many thanks
for our two new babies.
Janet and Alan
On 1-24-13 Truman & Jackson 'write'...
Dear Mamas Ky and Megan,
Thank you for our beautiful and potentially scrumptious birthday presents and the card! For now, Mama Janet will only let us play w them when she's watching us; she says they are special and that we'll be glad that she made us take care of them. She says we'll understand when we're older. She's right - we sure don't understand now as we're dying to see what's inside. We're having a great first birthday! It snowed last night, and we love snow so we don't like to come in from our yard. Even though it's very cold here (not as cold as where you are, we know), we still love to romp and chase each other for hours outside. Mama J would prefer we do that only for a few minutes and then come in. But it's our birthday so she let us stay out a bit
even though she was freezing. We told her that that's what you have to do when you have growing 1 yo Birthday Boys and she'd better get used to it. Yes, we're getting sassy as we grow. We're waiting for our Daddy to get here, and then we think we'll get a birthday treat. We'll let you know what it is after we get it. We hear we may be having new little half-brothers and sisters and are excited for Mama Ky. BUT even though Mama J is making noises about loving puppies and maybe getting a puppy next year, we think we're perfect and that she doesn't need anymore puppies. At least not for awhile.
We hope both of you, Izzy, and Luke are well and keeping warm. We'd love to see you sometime. In the meantime, send us lots of pictures.
Thanks again for our birthday presents! We love you guys!!
xoxo, Jackson (aka Tramp) & Truman (aka Bruno)

'Dalton' 13 weeks old, Marie and her daughter Chloe!
*DOB: 1-24-12
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with Marie and Family in Utah
*Previous Call Name: 'Dodger'
At almost 9 weeks old 'Dodger' is still a very relaxed and chilled-out kinda puppy, and boy is he getting big! At 12 weeks old he weighs 22lbs! His ears remind me of Dumbo ears and he trips over his own feet! He's such a love bug too, he would like nothing more than to know where you are at all times and follow you around the house. Dodger is always the last for anything, like grooming, de-worming, going potty etc. because he lays on his blanket watching me as the other puppies jump all over me begging to be the 1st one to be picked up! I finally have to crawl in and get him cause he's fast asleep! What a big bum! Dalton went home with his new family 5-5-12, and has a little girl named Chloe to call his very own!
On 5-11-12 Marie writes:
Everyone is doing well and I think we have all adjusted to each other. Dalton has warmed up to Brian and he loves playing with Chloe, although I think there are times he is wondering why he was unlucky to be placed with a toddler! They are getting along great and Chloe is so proud of him. She wants to walk, brush, and feed him all by herself. Sometimes it's comical to watch. Dalton had his first visit with our vet on Wednesday, got a clean bill of health (of course!) and we are going to go visit our groomer this afternoon so he can get a chance to smell and see what it's all about. We are working on the socialization. He does well out and about on walks and at the pet store when we run into people and other animals, but he still is a little wary/timid of people visiting our house. Which is funny because some of the people are our friends that he has seen outside and been great with. We haven't had a chance to take a lot of pictures, but here are a few from this weekend before we all got sick. I'll send more when I can.
Thank you again for Dalton, we love him!
Marie, Brian, and Chloe
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: with Marie and Family in Utah
*Previous Call Name: 'Dodger'
At almost 9 weeks old 'Dodger' is still a very relaxed and chilled-out kinda puppy, and boy is he getting big! At 12 weeks old he weighs 22lbs! His ears remind me of Dumbo ears and he trips over his own feet! He's such a love bug too, he would like nothing more than to know where you are at all times and follow you around the house. Dodger is always the last for anything, like grooming, de-worming, going potty etc. because he lays on his blanket watching me as the other puppies jump all over me begging to be the 1st one to be picked up! I finally have to crawl in and get him cause he's fast asleep! What a big bum! Dalton went home with his new family 5-5-12, and has a little girl named Chloe to call his very own!
On 5-11-12 Marie writes:
Everyone is doing well and I think we have all adjusted to each other. Dalton has warmed up to Brian and he loves playing with Chloe, although I think there are times he is wondering why he was unlucky to be placed with a toddler! They are getting along great and Chloe is so proud of him. She wants to walk, brush, and feed him all by herself. Sometimes it's comical to watch. Dalton had his first visit with our vet on Wednesday, got a clean bill of health (of course!) and we are going to go visit our groomer this afternoon so he can get a chance to smell and see what it's all about. We are working on the socialization. He does well out and about on walks and at the pet store when we run into people and other animals, but he still is a little wary/timid of people visiting our house. Which is funny because some of the people are our friends that he has seen outside and been great with. We haven't had a chance to take a lot of pictures, but here are a few from this weekend before we all got sick. I'll send more when I can.
Thank you again for Dalton, we love him!
Marie, Brian, and Chloe

'Venus' 9 weeks old
*DOB: 1-24-12
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Lorraine in Utah
*Previous Call Name: 'Perdie'
On 1-28 Lorraine writes:
Hi Megan
It was soooooo nice of you to send a gift for my sweet Venus. Ive been meaning to drop you a thank you note and time has gotten away from me, please forgive! She is just the most loving delightful dog I can't tell you how much we love and enjoy her. She has a pack of dogs to play with - of course my BFF Laurie who has a giant schnauzer and a very large brown standard poodle - both males - and my daughter Andrea who lives across the street from Laurie - has a small Bernese Mountain female. I also have a cocka-poo and she and Venus absolutely love each other!! We take them all to day care once or twice a week together and they all just play and play. Venus is by far the most beautiful dog of course (teehee) she looks like a poodle cleopatra!! Im technically challenged so I will get my daughter to help e-mail you some pics soon! We sure all enjoy our Venus and think you must be the best standard poodle breeder around!! Thanks again for the birthday toy for Venus and much luck and love to you all.
Lorraine Robinson
April 2012 Lorraine writes:
I am overjoyed with the addition of my beautiful girl Venus. Your website is aptly named as she is stunning to look at and every bit as sweet. She is so smart, intuitive, and loves to cuddle. I cannot say enough about what a fabulous dog you have provided for me. She absolutely loves the raw diet and I highly recommend it for these wonderful dogs. Thank you so much for your conscientious care and breeding of these fabulous Standard Poodles.
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Lorraine in Utah
*Previous Call Name: 'Perdie'
On 1-28 Lorraine writes:
Hi Megan
It was soooooo nice of you to send a gift for my sweet Venus. Ive been meaning to drop you a thank you note and time has gotten away from me, please forgive! She is just the most loving delightful dog I can't tell you how much we love and enjoy her. She has a pack of dogs to play with - of course my BFF Laurie who has a giant schnauzer and a very large brown standard poodle - both males - and my daughter Andrea who lives across the street from Laurie - has a small Bernese Mountain female. I also have a cocka-poo and she and Venus absolutely love each other!! We take them all to day care once or twice a week together and they all just play and play. Venus is by far the most beautiful dog of course (teehee) she looks like a poodle cleopatra!! Im technically challenged so I will get my daughter to help e-mail you some pics soon! We sure all enjoy our Venus and think you must be the best standard poodle breeder around!! Thanks again for the birthday toy for Venus and much luck and love to you all.
Lorraine Robinson
April 2012 Lorraine writes:
I am overjoyed with the addition of my beautiful girl Venus. Your website is aptly named as she is stunning to look at and every bit as sweet. She is so smart, intuitive, and loves to cuddle. I cannot say enough about what a fabulous dog you have provided for me. She absolutely loves the raw diet and I highly recommend it for these wonderful dogs. Thank you so much for your conscientious care and breeding of these fabulous Standard Poodles.

'Jessica' 9 months old
*DOB: 1-24-12
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Jeannie and Family in North Carolina
*Previous Call Name: 'Georgette'
Little 'Georgette' can't stand not to be in the middle of all the action. And if everyone is tired and ready to nap, she's the one running circles around them barking trying to motivate them into one more game of 'catch me if you can!' More than playing chase, 'Georgie' loves people. She wants to be held and kissed. She loves to roll on her back and just be adored. When at play she loves to jump at you and bark and try and antagonize you into giving chase. This little spunky girl is also very inquisitive, she discovers new things every day...like yesterday...she discovered how to open the bathroom cupboard and found the toilet paper!
On 10-8-12 Jeannie writes...
Jessie---she is wonderful. Happy dog and so sweet.We love her.
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Jeannie and Family in North Carolina
*Previous Call Name: 'Georgette'
Little 'Georgette' can't stand not to be in the middle of all the action. And if everyone is tired and ready to nap, she's the one running circles around them barking trying to motivate them into one more game of 'catch me if you can!' More than playing chase, 'Georgie' loves people. She wants to be held and kissed. She loves to roll on her back and just be adored. When at play she loves to jump at you and bark and try and antagonize you into giving chase. This little spunky girl is also very inquisitive, she discovers new things every day...like yesterday...she discovered how to open the bathroom cupboard and found the toilet paper!
On 10-8-12 Jeannie writes...
Jessie---she is wonderful. Happy dog and so sweet.We love her.

'Megan' 8 months old
*DOB: 1-24-12
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Jully and Family in South Carolina
*Previous Call Name: 'Peg'
'Peg' is a beautifully proud looking Standard Poodle. I knew even at 4 weeks old that little 'Peg' was going to be a gorgeous puppy. She still has a beautiful high ear set, always stands stacked, and ALWAYS has her tail held completley erect. She is a looker. I would keep 'Peg' myself if I could. Her personality is the best too. 'Peg' is a people puppy. When everyone is horsin' around, or eating, she is the only one that stops and comes right to you. She has a 'anything to please you' attitude.
On 4-8-12 Jully writes:
So here is a quick update. 'Megan' is doing just fine. She had a couple long days, but she is a trooper. She complained a little when I put her in her crate after spoiling her most of the day, but she settled down just fine. Right now she is on my lap while I am trying to type you this note. She just stays at my heels. She has not messed up once. You have done a GREAT job with her potty training. Of course I know to watch her body language and take her out frequently, but still she is super. She sleeps in her crate in my room. Uncle Duke is the only other one that sleeps in my room. We have already made a strong bond. I think it was 'love at first sight'. And she is just BEAUTIFUL. We went to PetSmart yesterday to buy some toys and food, and we had one lady stop us to find out what she was and then to comment on how beautiful she was. I'll keep you updated.
On 4-27-12 Jully Writes:
I have been so busy that I haven't had time to email you, however, I do think of you EVERY DAY and I am so happy I have my little girl. She is getting spoiled of course. But she is just perfect. When I have a little more time I will tell you all the good things that you have done to make this a perfect experience. Thank you again. And I will be sending pictures soon.
On 10-10-12 Jully Writes:
Time does fly by so. I am sending some pictures taken a few months ago. The most recent on is Megan with her new 'sister' Katie. We now have two boys and two girls. Two lines provided everyone passes their tests. Katie is just 14/15 weeks old. She is sweet and calm. Megan just loves having her around. She will get a toy and bring it over to Katie as to say 'Let's play'. They play together so quietly compared to the boys who play, well, like boys. Megan is becoming 'daddy's girl'. It is cute. She will be 8 months (can you believe it?) this month. She is such a sweet girl. She is ready to please. And she is just a happy girl. She is spoiled. She loves hanging out on the back of the couch looking out side, watching the squirrels or other dogs playing. She gets along with everyone in her human and dog family. But she especially likes to be with her human mommy and daddy.
Thank you again for all you did to grow a well balanced puppy. I know many people have know idea how much work a breeder does to deliver the new owner a well adjusted puppy by the 8th week. But I do. You did an excellent job! All my dogs are on the raw food diet. This is working out very well. Their coats are so beautiful from it. Their teeth, especially the older dogs, are just beautiful. And they have more energy. Making the food takes more effort on my part, but they LOVE receiving their meals. This makes it worth while. Do let me know when your next litter has arrive. I love watching your updates.
I hope you are well.
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Jully and Family in South Carolina
*Previous Call Name: 'Peg'
'Peg' is a beautifully proud looking Standard Poodle. I knew even at 4 weeks old that little 'Peg' was going to be a gorgeous puppy. She still has a beautiful high ear set, always stands stacked, and ALWAYS has her tail held completley erect. She is a looker. I would keep 'Peg' myself if I could. Her personality is the best too. 'Peg' is a people puppy. When everyone is horsin' around, or eating, she is the only one that stops and comes right to you. She has a 'anything to please you' attitude.
On 4-8-12 Jully writes:
So here is a quick update. 'Megan' is doing just fine. She had a couple long days, but she is a trooper. She complained a little when I put her in her crate after spoiling her most of the day, but she settled down just fine. Right now she is on my lap while I am trying to type you this note. She just stays at my heels. She has not messed up once. You have done a GREAT job with her potty training. Of course I know to watch her body language and take her out frequently, but still she is super. She sleeps in her crate in my room. Uncle Duke is the only other one that sleeps in my room. We have already made a strong bond. I think it was 'love at first sight'. And she is just BEAUTIFUL. We went to PetSmart yesterday to buy some toys and food, and we had one lady stop us to find out what she was and then to comment on how beautiful she was. I'll keep you updated.
On 4-27-12 Jully Writes:
I have been so busy that I haven't had time to email you, however, I do think of you EVERY DAY and I am so happy I have my little girl. She is getting spoiled of course. But she is just perfect. When I have a little more time I will tell you all the good things that you have done to make this a perfect experience. Thank you again. And I will be sending pictures soon.
On 10-10-12 Jully Writes:
Time does fly by so. I am sending some pictures taken a few months ago. The most recent on is Megan with her new 'sister' Katie. We now have two boys and two girls. Two lines provided everyone passes their tests. Katie is just 14/15 weeks old. She is sweet and calm. Megan just loves having her around. She will get a toy and bring it over to Katie as to say 'Let's play'. They play together so quietly compared to the boys who play, well, like boys. Megan is becoming 'daddy's girl'. It is cute. She will be 8 months (can you believe it?) this month. She is such a sweet girl. She is ready to please. And she is just a happy girl. She is spoiled. She loves hanging out on the back of the couch looking out side, watching the squirrels or other dogs playing. She gets along with everyone in her human and dog family. But she especially likes to be with her human mommy and daddy.
Thank you again for all you did to grow a well balanced puppy. I know many people have know idea how much work a breeder does to deliver the new owner a well adjusted puppy by the 8th week. But I do. You did an excellent job! All my dogs are on the raw food diet. This is working out very well. Their coats are so beautiful from it. Their teeth, especially the older dogs, are just beautiful. And they have more energy. Making the food takes more effort on my part, but they LOVE receiving their meals. This makes it worth while. Do let me know when your next litter has arrive. I love watching your updates.
I hope you are well.

'Ruby' with the newest member of the family Macy!
*DOB: 1-24-12
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Rob and Family in Utah
*Previous Call Name: 'Rita'
Ruby is a tenacious little twerp! And what a 'go-getter' she can't move fast enough because she HAS to be in the middle of everything! She wants to wrestle with everyone, grab every toy and pull every tail. She's quite the multitasker! Even though Ruby gets into her fair share of trouble, she makes up for it by being so sweet. She loves to follow you everywhere and gets so excited when she sees people, her tail goes a mile a minute but honestly I don't know which goes faster, her tail or her tounge!
On Oct 17,2013 Rob writes:
Hi Megan,
It's been a while since I emailed. I was just perusing your site thinking about how fun it would be to have a Ruby twin in house, and I figured I'd better email you an update about the sweetheart you gave us. Ruby is now 1 year and 9 months old and as fun and sweet as ever! She is built very much like her mother; thin and super athletic. My siblings dogs Roxy (boxer) and Pepper (a younger parti poodle) spend there days at my parent's farm trying to catch Ruby. She is fast and agile and loves to run. She's also becoming quite the ball dog. She loves to play catch. I can lob the ball 20-30 feet in the air and Ruby has no problem following it and catching it. I've had a few offers to take her duck hunting this spring from friends who've seen her retrieving skills, but I'm still a bit reserved because she still has a streak of timidness in her. When it comes to family, Ruby is the protector/guardian. She keeps an ever watchful eye on our 9 month old baby daughter. New people must endure the gaze of Ruby, and sometimes deal with her forcing herself between them and Macy (our daughter) in order to "shield" Macy from someone who has yet to prove their trustfulness. She stops the baby from getting too close to the stairs and makes sure to alert us any time she thinks there is trouble. As I told you once before, she has literally won over the hearts of all our friends and family. I don't doubt that we'll have a couple more Spoo owners because of her. I've attached a few photos, hopefully you can place some of them on the website. Again thank you so much, we truly can't imagine life without this
sweet girl. She has become and integral part of our family.
regards,Rob, Kate, Bennett and Macy.
On 1-14-13 Rob writes:
Hey Megan,
Thank you for the email and the opportunity at first pick. We have absolutely loved having Ruby. I'm sure we'll have a standard in our home forever because of her. However we have a baby girl (human) coming to us on Thursday. As much as we'd love another poo, a new baby and a new puppy is a little more than we want to try and tackle right now. Keep us informed on future litters, Ruby is really a special dog! Thank you again and good luck!
Rob, Kate, Bennett, Macy, Ruby, and Tyke
*Sire: Luke
*Dam: Kayenne
*Current Home: With Rob and Family in Utah
*Previous Call Name: 'Rita'
Ruby is a tenacious little twerp! And what a 'go-getter' she can't move fast enough because she HAS to be in the middle of everything! She wants to wrestle with everyone, grab every toy and pull every tail. She's quite the multitasker! Even though Ruby gets into her fair share of trouble, she makes up for it by being so sweet. She loves to follow you everywhere and gets so excited when she sees people, her tail goes a mile a minute but honestly I don't know which goes faster, her tail or her tounge!
On Oct 17,2013 Rob writes:
Hi Megan,
It's been a while since I emailed. I was just perusing your site thinking about how fun it would be to have a Ruby twin in house, and I figured I'd better email you an update about the sweetheart you gave us. Ruby is now 1 year and 9 months old and as fun and sweet as ever! She is built very much like her mother; thin and super athletic. My siblings dogs Roxy (boxer) and Pepper (a younger parti poodle) spend there days at my parent's farm trying to catch Ruby. She is fast and agile and loves to run. She's also becoming quite the ball dog. She loves to play catch. I can lob the ball 20-30 feet in the air and Ruby has no problem following it and catching it. I've had a few offers to take her duck hunting this spring from friends who've seen her retrieving skills, but I'm still a bit reserved because she still has a streak of timidness in her. When it comes to family, Ruby is the protector/guardian. She keeps an ever watchful eye on our 9 month old baby daughter. New people must endure the gaze of Ruby, and sometimes deal with her forcing herself between them and Macy (our daughter) in order to "shield" Macy from someone who has yet to prove their trustfulness. She stops the baby from getting too close to the stairs and makes sure to alert us any time she thinks there is trouble. As I told you once before, she has literally won over the hearts of all our friends and family. I don't doubt that we'll have a couple more Spoo owners because of her. I've attached a few photos, hopefully you can place some of them on the website. Again thank you so much, we truly can't imagine life without this
sweet girl. She has become and integral part of our family.
regards,Rob, Kate, Bennett and Macy.
On 1-14-13 Rob writes:
Hey Megan,
Thank you for the email and the opportunity at first pick. We have absolutely loved having Ruby. I'm sure we'll have a standard in our home forever because of her. However we have a baby girl (human) coming to us on Thursday. As much as we'd love another poo, a new baby and a new puppy is a little more than we want to try and tackle right now. Keep us informed on future litters, Ruby is really a special dog! Thank you again and good luck!
Rob, Kate, Bennett, Macy, Ruby, and Tyke

Black and White Mismark (Splash) Female
*DOB: 8-4-2009
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With John and Family in Idaho
*Previous Call Name: Green
Cherie was the first of this litter to leave home. Cherie lives with John and Steve in Hailey Idaho along with her best compainion Katrina - another Standard.
Megan & Family
Cheri is such a great joy in our lives- She is my best friend and is loved totally-Great Personality and a lover of all people!! Thanks for trusting us with her. She loves going to the barn with me, and camping.
Always, Steve
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With John and Family in Idaho
*Previous Call Name: Green
Cherie was the first of this litter to leave home. Cherie lives with John and Steve in Hailey Idaho along with her best compainion Katrina - another Standard.
Megan & Family
Cheri is such a great joy in our lives- She is my best friend and is loved totally-Great Personality and a lover of all people!! Thanks for trusting us with her. She loves going to the barn with me, and camping.
Always, Steve

Sable Female
*DOB: 8-4-2009
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With Kirsten and Family in Utah
*Previous Call Name: Yellow
Hi Megan,
Here are some new pictures of Roxy; she even looks like a poodle in some of them! She is definitely "best in snow" and is sweet as ever. I hope you are well. Kirstin
On 12-20-12 Kirstin writes:
Hi Megan,
Greetings from Park City where once again Roxy is best in snow! Thanks so much for the Christmas card, it is always great to hear from you guys. Roxy and her Doodle brother Stockli are well and enjoying the fresh snow we've had over the last week. We love Roxy so much and we are so grateful to
you and Izzy for providing us with such a wonderful girl! We are Poodle lovers forever!
I hope you are all well and enjoying the holidays! Love, Kirstin, Pat, Roxy, and Stockli
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With Kirsten and Family in Utah
*Previous Call Name: Yellow
Hi Megan,
Here are some new pictures of Roxy; she even looks like a poodle in some of them! She is definitely "best in snow" and is sweet as ever. I hope you are well. Kirstin
On 12-20-12 Kirstin writes:
Hi Megan,
Greetings from Park City where once again Roxy is best in snow! Thanks so much for the Christmas card, it is always great to hear from you guys. Roxy and her Doodle brother Stockli are well and enjoying the fresh snow we've had over the last week. We love Roxy so much and we are so grateful to
you and Izzy for providing us with such a wonderful girl! We are Poodle lovers forever!
I hope you are all well and enjoying the holidays! Love, Kirstin, Pat, Roxy, and Stockli

Black (Silver) & White Mismark (splash) male
*DOB: 8-4-2009
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With Gail in Idaho
*Previous Call Name: Blue
Cosmo was our only little boy of this litter! He was always picking on his sisters then running to mom, a true "mamas boy". He loved to cuddle and sneak treats under the couch.
On 3-13-2010 Gail writes:
I have so much to say about my wonderful dog. I'm keeping a journal and he's in it constantly. He and my kitties play together all the time. The other night Cosmo did this herd thing with my horses, a lot of sniffing, and at the end the horses seemed to realize that Cosmo is part of the pack. Gail
On 12-22-2010 Gail writes:
Merry Christmas Megan & Family,
Cosmo is a dream. He is such a good boy. We have spent a lot of time together. I love him Thank You.
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With Gail in Idaho
*Previous Call Name: Blue
Cosmo was our only little boy of this litter! He was always picking on his sisters then running to mom, a true "mamas boy". He loved to cuddle and sneak treats under the couch.
On 3-13-2010 Gail writes:
I have so much to say about my wonderful dog. I'm keeping a journal and he's in it constantly. He and my kitties play together all the time. The other night Cosmo did this herd thing with my horses, a lot of sniffing, and at the end the horses seemed to realize that Cosmo is part of the pack. Gail
On 12-22-2010 Gail writes:
Merry Christmas Megan & Family,
Cosmo is a dream. He is such a good boy. We have spent a lot of time together. I love him Thank You.

Sable Phantom Female
*DOB: 8-4-2009
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With Teresa and Family in Utah
*Previous Call Name: Pink
Little Miss Paisley was 1 of 2 biggest females in the litter. She was also the 'BOSS!" She is such a beautifully colored girl. She'd throw her weight around and get what she wanted....usually the 1st spot to the food dish!
On 10-2-2009 Teresa writes:
Paisley is finally coming around, she slept outside last night with Cheyenne and Keya. She likes to talk alot, she definately has her own opinions...Cheyenne is trying to teach her to fetch the toy but for now she just tries to get it out of her mouth as she brings it back to me to be thrown, I knew they would get along. I am going to take her to petsmart this afternoon to get her food and some treats and a collar....she is really doing good! She also met the neighbor this afternoon, everyone thinks she is so pretty. I love her so much!!! Talk to you soon..Thanx again...!!! .
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With Teresa and Family in Utah
*Previous Call Name: Pink
Little Miss Paisley was 1 of 2 biggest females in the litter. She was also the 'BOSS!" She is such a beautifully colored girl. She'd throw her weight around and get what she wanted....usually the 1st spot to the food dish!
On 10-2-2009 Teresa writes:
Paisley is finally coming around, she slept outside last night with Cheyenne and Keya. She likes to talk alot, she definately has her own opinions...Cheyenne is trying to teach her to fetch the toy but for now she just tries to get it out of her mouth as she brings it back to me to be thrown, I knew they would get along. I am going to take her to petsmart this afternoon to get her food and some treats and a collar....she is really doing good! She also met the neighbor this afternoon, everyone thinks she is so pretty. I love her so much!!! Talk to you soon..Thanx again...!!! .

Cream Female
*DOB: 8-4-2009
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With Laurie Tennessee
*Previous Call Name: Purple
Bentley was the other largest female in the litter along with Paisley. So snuggly and roley-poley! Loved everyone and everything. Bentley now lives in Elk Washington with Laurie!
On 2-8-2010 Laurie writes:
I went on your web site to see what all you were doing. Jewlz is absolutely adoreable!!!! Please let me know when your next litter is due. I have been contemplating getting another standard because we love Bentley so much. I think it would be a blast to have 2. I of course haven't discussed this with my husband yet, but then again I didn't discuss it with Bentley either.....LOL. I would like to put in my reservation for a female, solid in color, a chocolate, cream or apricot would be awesome. Talk to Jewlz for me please. :) Thanks so much for such a wonderfully, perfect in every way, Bentley!!!!!
On 9-13-2011 Laurie writes:
I wish you lived closer, Bentley could use you and your expertize on hair doos! Thank you for such an awesome dog. A major pain in the butt, but awesome to say the least.
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With Laurie Tennessee
*Previous Call Name: Purple
Bentley was the other largest female in the litter along with Paisley. So snuggly and roley-poley! Loved everyone and everything. Bentley now lives in Elk Washington with Laurie!
On 2-8-2010 Laurie writes:
I went on your web site to see what all you were doing. Jewlz is absolutely adoreable!!!! Please let me know when your next litter is due. I have been contemplating getting another standard because we love Bentley so much. I think it would be a blast to have 2. I of course haven't discussed this with my husband yet, but then again I didn't discuss it with Bentley either.....LOL. I would like to put in my reservation for a female, solid in color, a chocolate, cream or apricot would be awesome. Talk to Jewlz for me please. :) Thanks so much for such a wonderfully, perfect in every way, Bentley!!!!!
On 9-13-2011 Laurie writes:
I wish you lived closer, Bentley could use you and your expertize on hair doos! Thank you for such an awesome dog. A major pain in the butt, but awesome to say the least.

Black and White Mismark (splash) Female
*DOB: 8-4-2009
*Sire: Cooper
*Dam: Izzy
*Current Home: With Katie and Family in Nevada
*Previous Call Name: Orange
Juliette was about 7 mos old before finding a new home. But we all hung in there and the perfect home found her! She now lives in Las Vegas with Katie, her husband and 2 children!